Transit Crime Surges as New York and San Francisco Embrace Progressive Policing – IOTW Report

Transit Crime Surges as New York and San Francisco Embrace Progressive Policing


WFB- Crime is spiking in public transit systems on opposite sides of the country, as both New York City and San Francisco struggle with a surge in harassment, assault and even major violence.

Violent crime on San Francisco’s Bay Area Rapid Transit system rose by 115 percent between 2014 and 2018, culminating in three homicides within a week. New York City’s subway system, meanwhile, has seen a 10 percent increase in total crime in the last year.

The underlying causes of these crime spikes, experts tell the Washington Free Beacon, remain unclear. But the spikes cast serious doubt on the experiments in progressive prosecution and policing both cities are currently engaged in. As America’s two-decade crime decline begins to plateau, the upswing in lawlessness in these public spaces may indicate what other cities can expect if they adopt a similar approach. more

15 Comments on Transit Crime Surges as New York and San Francisco Embrace Progressive Policing

  1. The goal has never been to be “fair”, “compassionate” nor “just”….it’s always been about creating chaos out of order in order to usher in a new order. Break the old system then blame the system.

  2. “The underlying causes of these crime spikes, experts tell the Washington Free Beacon, remain unclear.”

    Only to stupid, blind people.

    In California, they’ve let just about everyone out of jail free, and they don’t prosecute anything anymore. That has led to streets absolutely packed with career criminals and roving theft gangs operating with impunity.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  3. Mark VII Ltd
    DECEMBER 2, 2019 AT 1:21 PM
    “…they don’t prosecute anything anymore.”

    Pretty sure being a Trump supporter or defending yourself aganst Antifa are still prosecutable offences.

    And growing your own pot in defiance of the State cartels.

    …and, if you get up where the politicians and actors live, expect a beat down and a LOOONG sentence.

    Other than those, though, pretty much anything ELSE goes, need to make room in the jails for next year’s thought crimes…

  4. Funny how every policy libtards make to look the other way on crime, allow public camping and vagrancy or decriminalize/legalize and even supply drug paraphernalia and safe drug spots just results in more undesirable behavior and crime yet experts are baffled.

  5. According to the chart in the article, there were 1 1/2 homicides on BART this year. I’d be fascinated to learn what half a murder looks like…

    Thug: “But I TRIED to kill him! I truly gave it my best effort. Look, he’s bleeding everywhere! Surely that counts for something?!”

    Police: “Nope. Not dead. No stat for you.”

    Thug: “Look, could we maybe split the difference? Call it half a murder?”

    Police: “We’ll see. Here’s your ticket; there’s no court date. You’re free to go.”

  6. The underlying causes of these crime spikes, experts tell the Washington Free Beacon, remain unclear.

    Have you noticed that you see that weasel word unclear an awful lot? It means here, of course, that the “experts” don’t know. And that they don’t know isn’t at all unclear.

  7. The underlying causes are unclear, as is the motivation of the London attacker. But if there is a white on black crime, every white person in the US is responsible.

  8. RadioMattM
    DECEMBER 2, 2019 AT 2:44 PM
    “.. But if there is a white on black crime, every white person in the US is responsible.”

    …whether it’s real or NOT…

  9. BrassG
    DECEMBER 2, 2019 AT 2:09 PM
    “According to the chart in the article, there were 1 1/2 homicides on BART this year. I’d be fascinated to learn what half a murder looks like…”

    …in SF? Perhaps they deleted his Grinder contacts, that’s HALF a gay man’s life right THERE…

  10. It won’t be long before the denizens of NYC be they millennials, boomers, xgens or whatever will begin to long for the time of the legendary Giuliani who cleaned up NYC in one term by actually enforcing every law. Liberals or Conservatives will wish someone like him was back in the saddle and that city council was cleaned up of all the thieves and crooks, or at least some of them.

    As far as SFC goes, soon enough the really rich people that planted hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars down for a house or apartment will start to talk to city’s politicos and explain to them the fact that political donation money their investments are linked and if the investments start to tank those donations may well be switched to different candidates. Law and Order candidates.


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