U.S. Airstrike Kills Ex-Guantanamo Detainee in Yemen Released by Obama Admin – IOTW Report

U.S. Airstrike Kills Ex-Guantanamo Detainee in Yemen Released by Obama Admin


U.S. airstrikes on Thursday in Yemen killed a former detainee at the Guantanamo Bay military prison, Yasir al-Silmi, who was released from the detention center in 2009 by the Obama administration.

Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said on Monday that al-Silmi returned to terrorist activities after being held at Guantanamo from 2002 to 2009, Fox News reported.

Al-Silmi’s death came as the U.S. has launched over 40 airstrikes over the course of five nights in Yemen.

The Pentagon and intelligence community have estimated that about 30 percent of detainees transferred from Guantanamo have returned to terrorist activities.


21 Comments on U.S. Airstrike Kills Ex-Guantanamo Detainee in Yemen Released by Obama Admin

  1. Then he did what Obama expected him to do and that was to return to his terrorist roots. Obama’s only disappointment was that he wasn’t doing his terrorist activities in this country!

  2. “@Tired Mom: Or 72 Virgils. From Texas.”

    Vet doesn’t have to be from Texas to know no one wants 72 Virgils from Texas.

    Probably best to keep it to one Virgil at a time.

    Completely unrelated fun fact; there is a outlier population cluster of Virgils in Vestal, Texas.

  3. @The man behind the curtain: They told me not to pay any attention to you. However, if I blew myself up for 72 dried grapes, I’d be raisin Hell in Heaven, that’s for sure.



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