University of Oregon student body wants Critical Race Theory to become a graduation requirement for ALL bachelors degrees – IOTW Report

University of Oregon student body wants Critical Race Theory to become a graduation requirement for ALL bachelors degrees

You must have a Condemn Whiteness passport to graduate.


Student leaders at the University of Oregon are pushing for Critical Race Theory to be a required course in order to graduate. They brought up their request at the Board of Trustees meeting on Wednesday.

“My goal is to, with the undergraduate provost’s office in the winter quarter, to kind of establish the curriculum,” said president Isaiah Boyd of the Associated Students of University of Oregon. “As well as our ethnic studies department, our black studies department and seeing if we can coordinate with them and open up that discussion of how can we build a system sustainable for years to come.”

Boyd said discussions with the student body government around mandating CRT began during the 2020 election cycle.

“Obviously higher education is a center point for advancing and exchanging cultural ideas so it only makes sense to embed what the history of racism is in America,” said Boyd.

Boyd hopes the school will require CRT as a graduation requirement by the 2022-2023 school year.

In a statement, the Office of the Provost said: “The University of Oregon is committed to the core belief that diversity of background, thought, and perspective is an absolute necessity for building academic excellence. To that end, we continuously seek opportunities to expand scholarship of racial injustice and to raise awareness of and address systemic racism and inequities on campus.”

They said they have made several recent efforts to address issues of race and inequality, including requiring every UO student to take at least one course that covers U.S. difference and inequality and one course that covers global perspectives.


32 Comments on University of Oregon student body wants Critical Race Theory to become a graduation requirement for ALL bachelors degrees

  1. “…..diversity of background, thought, and perspective…..”
    Except for conservative ones.

  2. Even before CRT the Unis were full of bullshit for the RRTs and Nurses concerning what they called, “minority sociology”. They had chapters and books written about this nonsense.

    I was in cop school (no, I never became a cop), and never heard such bulshit — but that was almost 20 years before Jennifer went to Uni for her RRT.

    Anyway, that retard shit has been around much longer than CRT.

    We, Jennifer and I, are Gen Xs… so we still call faggots, faggots, and evil negroes, evil negroes.

  3. Bring back the Klan.
    Put the fear of HIM in them.
    This Bravo Sierra is making me more” racist and therefore more proid of being white!
    WE built civilization, WE ARE kings!

  4. To clarify (for the pearl clutchers) evil negroes are evil, and non-evil negroes are people.

    But a faggot, no matter what it is, is a fucking faggot.

  5. Quite so. Remington, better known as Cerberus Capital Management, has fucked many a quality tool into bullshit. The Baikals, before Remington, and even in the early days of Remington, were well made machines. Remington fucked them up, too.

  6. No, John, that’s NOT ok. You must read and be tested thereafter on how you are a fucking bigot. And you must read, “The Black Cat” by E.A. Poe, and present a 15 page single spaced document… of what it means. As if it meant anything other than what Poe wrote, and you read.

    Chemistry includes bigotry, and Black Cats. You should well know.

  7. My university years ago gave me a choice of taking a manditory 1/2 credit hour class: get yelled at for being White, get yelled at for being straight, or get yelled at for being male.

    I chose to quit giving them money, leave, and go make a REAL living instead…

  8. Quite so, SNS. Jennifer was constantly being told she hated, and gave sub-service to non-whites at Uni.

    I think people who join these types of services don’t give a fuck what you look like.

    Now, me, on the other hand, I’d be unlikely to help people out of a burning car with a Biden, or Hillary sticker on it. Or a Prius.

    I’m pretty sure I’ve come to that point.

  9. Brad
    DECEMBER 4, 2021 AT 11:44 PM
    “SNS, You weren’t corresponding with them at the time were you?”

    No, it wasn’t a correspondence course, I was a full time, on campus student at the University of Cincinnati at a time when online or distance learning didn’t exist when they quite arbitrarily and suddenly decided we must acknowledge that straight White men are scum in writing and by literally letting a campus activist in one of those specialties yell at us until they were satisfied we were sufficiently cowed. I already had swallowed quite a bit of Communism 101 to get to that point, but I was running 12 hour night shifts at the time and also working on cars so I decided that was a bridge too far for me and withdrew to go make money instead, and to come back when they were sober.

    They never sobered up. Not in three decades. Oh well, I have a life now and don’t need them. They can go gaze in their own navels looking for intersectional racism without my money just fine…

  10. Brad,

    Para Ordnance used to be made in Scarborough Ontario. About 400 yards From a bar I used to do the HVAC on.

    Thick Frames, but friends told me they were well made.

    Years ago (1990’s) Canuckistan introduced mag Capacity Restriction under a Conservative Fed. Government of all things. (limit 10)

    The advantage of only 2 extra rounds from a Colt 1911 basically disappeared. I had a Colt Combat Elite Stainless Frame with a Carbon slide and std. 8 round mags.
    You were required to “PIN” anything that could hold more than 10 Rounds. Cops would literally come to your house for inspections and try as hard as possible to shove that 11th round into a magazine. You had to see it to believe it in person. In most cases they would just confiscate a self pinned mag after they intentionally fucked it up. Sometimes, they would actually charge people with possession of a prohibited weapon, you would then LOOSE EVERY FIREARM YOU HAD and be forced to go to court.

    See how it starts…

    From what I remember, Para always had a USA office that they eventually moved to for quite a few reasons.

    Is yours one of the Originals or the newer American ones?

    Cheers & let me know which one.

  11. Erik the ne’er-do-well unmasked scumbag
    DECEMBER 4, 2021 AT 11:37 PM
    “Quite so, SNS. Jennifer was constantly being told she hated, and gave sub-service to non-whites at Uni.

    I think people who join these types of services don’t give a fuck what you look like.”

    In my time, I never met or heard of anyone in either a prehospital or hospital setting change their standard of care out of race hatred.

    Of course you DO hear about it from time to time NOW, but usually in the context of a Muslim ‘doctor’ poisoning Jewish patients or a Black health aide beating a White elderly patient, but those don’t count im Democrat Werld…

  12. The Canadians made quite fine things. Over a Million Canadians served in WW2. That’s the Armed Forces. Not including the men and women who made things.

  13. Absolutely hilarious!

    OH! And…

    Don’t forget to include this monumentally simple-minded and ignorant accomplishment in your resumes after you…maybe…graduate without getting critically pummeled in some back alley by several black guys, between now and that uncertain day of graduation.

  14. @Hambone December 4, 2021 at 10:16 pm

    > We will have to liquidate these people if we ever hope to save our country.

    Your country is what bred and infested the planet with this plague. By design. Because it is what your country is.

    (Just a quibble. You’re completely correct about the rest.)

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