Woman in Canada Being Denied Lung Transplant Because She Will Not Take Jab – IOTW Report

Woman in Canada Being Denied Lung Transplant Because She Will Not Take Jab


The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) is legally representing Annette Lewis, who has idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a terminal condition affecting both of her lungs. Lewis has been suffering with the illness for more than two and a half years and has been waiting for a transplant for over one year. Just two months ago, her lung capacity was at just 40 per cent. Without the transplant, Lewis will die.

Below is an excerpt from her conversation with the doctor:

Doctor: “All of our pre-transplant patients are going to be required to have the Covid vaccine.”

Annette: “…if I don’t take the vaccine then I go off the donor list, is that what you mean?”

Doctor: “Yeah.”

Annette: “…wow…that’s pretty scary.”

Doctor: “Yeah.”

Annette: “If I don’t get the vaccine, I’m not going to get the transplant, and we all know what the end result of that is for me.”

Doctor: “Yeah.”

Annette: “It’s damned if you do and damned if you don’t in my case.”

Doctor: “Yes.”

Lewis shared her concerns with the transplant team that, saying that while she has received all other childhood vaccinations again, as per the Lung Transplant Program team’s request, she does not want to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at this time. 


12 Comments on Woman in Canada Being Denied Lung Transplant Because She Will Not Take Jab

  1. “idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis”

    …”Idiopathic” is fancy doctorspeak to avoid coming right out and saying that they have no idea what caused it.

    …and yet we trust them to be 100% sure that an improperly and undertested Jab is sAfE aNd EfFeCtIvE for already damaged lungs…

  2. RadioMattM
    SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 AT 2:43 PM
    “And they are happy that they get government healthcare.”

    …I remember reading once of a man in Cuba being interviewed about his health care and saying…

    “Yes, the health care is free. And worth it. I can go to my doctor, but he can do nothing for me”.

    …seems to kind of sum it up right there…

  3. I just read a headline earlier this week that a U.S. citizen was denied surgery for gall bladder pancreatitis, a rather routine problem with a very routine solution, because he wouldn’t take the fake vaccine. I think he died.

  4. Given that the jab has caused blood clots, not only a bad thing when you’re facing major surgery, but also re clots in the lungs… what kind of shitforbrains medical decision is this.

  5. If I were refused treatment to prevent certain death for refusing to take an experimental and most likely dangerous medication, before I became too weak to act, I’d do my best to take a few of those SOBs responsible for that decision with me! What have I got to lose?

  6. Robert L,
    My thought exactly. If you’re going to die anyway,take at least a couple of the rat bastards with you. Wadda “they” gonna do? Sentence you to life imprisonment? Death sentence? Pfffft.

  7. So, this is the next step. Confine a person with a terminal illness to death by denying critical medical therapy. Next is direct admission to a camp then extermination of those who refuse to be vaccinated.


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