Hillary Clinton’s emails packed with America’s secrets were stored by company ‘wide open to hackers’ and run by ‘morons’ whistleblowers reveal – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s emails packed with America’s secrets were stored by company ‘wide open to hackers’ and run by ‘morons’ whistleblowers reveal

  • Daily Mail Online investigation reveals how the firm which stored her backed up emails was dogged by security lapses
  • Datto Inc, of Norwalk, CT, was paid to ‘mirror’ the server by ‘mom-and-pop’ IT firm Platte River Networks, which was given contract to look after server 
  • Datto Inc held emails for almost three years but whistleblowers say it was hacked itself and customers complained about seeing other clients’ data
  • Staff did not have to change passwords, left unsupervised computers unlocked and some where ‘hired’ from Best Buy
  • No comment form Clinton campaign on what they knew about Datto Inc 

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ht/ all too much

6 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s emails packed with America’s secrets were stored by company ‘wide open to hackers’ and run by ‘morons’ whistleblowers reveal

  1. America really, really, really needs a gulag for people like this. Everyone involved, the staff of Platte River, Datto Inc., Huma, Hillary the whole stinking lot of them need to be frosty somewhere in Alaska above the Arctic Circle.

  2. “Datto now has 600 employees and last year was valued at $1 billion and McChord was named as one of Forbes’ ’30 Under 30′ standout executives in 2015.

    Datto told Daily Mail Online: ‘Datto protects the essential business data for thousands of customers throughout the world who entrust Datto to ensure their data is secure and readily available when needed. We maintain a comprehensive matrix of safeguards to protect our customer’s data.’

    Platte River Networks and the Clinton campaign did not return requests for comment.”


  3. LBS if Berger were still alive, he’d be dead, lying next to a park bench, with two self inflicted gun shot wounds his forehead. If not, he’d be a dead man walking.

  4. Fuckers like Christopher Boyce and Brian Patrick Regan did hard time for comparable shit. They even considered the death penalty for Regan since he was arrested a month before the 9-11 attacks and he compromised some serious shit. Ten+ years later and they’re calling Bradley “Chelsea” Manning a hero and this bitch-on-wheels is doing the equivalent action while Secretary of state.

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