Hopefully The Symbolism of Charlie Gard’s Death as it Relates to Government Healthcare is Not Lost – IOTW Report

Hopefully The Symbolism of Charlie Gard’s Death as it Relates to Government Healthcare is Not Lost

25 Comments on Hopefully The Symbolism of Charlie Gard’s Death as it Relates to Government Healthcare is Not Lost

  1. It is a reminder, but unfortunately 50% of the country thinks this is a great outcome. After birth abortion happens and is the desire of single payer.
    My daughter had a hospital bill of 500K twenty years ago. Eventually preemies like her will be sacrificed except if you are part of the ruling class.

  2. There are no “Death Panels”, your costs “will go down”, premiums “will be lowered” AND “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor…. period”.

    Other pronouncements from the Ministry of Truth: the climate is warming do to man; if you were born male you might be a female; there is no difference between male and female; Hillary needed to win because it’s time that a female became POTUS. (all pronouncements from the Ministry of Truth are subject to change without notice or explanation)

  3. Why hasn’t Charlie been made the Poster-Child for ObolaCare and hung around McCain’s and the Demonrats’ necks?

    Where the fuck are the purveyors of truth?
    Do we just allow the lies and the liars to march and shout 24 hours a day, every day?

    What the fuck is wrong with us?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. RIP Charlie, my sincerest hope is that the world you are in now is infinitely better then the one you came from.

    Isn’t it amazing that the government will guarantee a wommans right to an abortion in same case up to actual birth for purposes of convenience but will deny a baby’s right to a fighting chance, however small, to live.

    Shame on them and shame on us for putting them in a position where this could even be argued.

  5. UK witch doctors facilitated his death to try and cover their blatant incompetence. First do no harm has become first kill all the less than perfect and children. Sick perverted fucks.

  6. May the Angels guide him back to Jesus and keep him in God’s care. May the Parents find Peace and know that the world grieves with you. In Jesus name Amen.

  7. Charlie is perfect now, carried to the Creator beneath the wings of angels.

    My concern is that Connie Yates and Chris Gard become closer as they grieve and may their grieving not allow them to give up on the love of our great Creator–ever!!!

  8. When medical treatment is immediately available, mandated socialized healthcare is just years away.

    Sounds kinda familiar in a ‘common-sense gun laws’ sort of way.

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