How to Finger Whistle – IOTW Report

How to Finger Whistle


The next time you’re at a Trump rally, don’t give out a high-pitched scream like some sissy democrat, whistle your approval loudly, like a sporting man, or sporting woman,  for all to appreciate.

See how Here

12 Comments on How to Finger Whistle

  1. To get a very loud shrill whistle you don’t even need to use your finger(s). It’s hard to explain but it involves semi-curling your tongue and putting the tip on the roof of your mouth and pursing your lips. Then, duh, blow.

    My dad taught me how when I was about four or five. My mom was not happy, especially when he went to sea for some months after passing along the skill. ०-:

  2. I learned in about 7th grade. Why? Because Ladies don’t whistle. I use middle finger and thumb. My girlfriend taught me an it has come in handy. It is so loud it can make me dizzy.What fun.

    annie Go Trump

  3. My dad used to be able to whistle real loud to call us home when my 3 brothers and I were younger. When he whistled just before dusk in the Summer it was time for us to come home, we could hear him whistle all up and down the block. It also worked very well on our beagle Jones especially when we were out bird hunting and Jones got away from us or was chasing a rabbit. I never could whistle like that.

  4. It was a girl tomboy who taught me to do this when I was about 10.
    This guy makes it sound more complicated that it is.

    @Anon, that’s a great scene.
    Bacall was smokin’ !!

  5. My husband produces a whistle that resonates the skulls of everyone within 15 feet of him! OMG HE’S ANNOYING! But he’s 6’3″ and charming as hell so he gets away with it 😉

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