Londoners March Willingly Into the Burning Cage – IOTW Report

Londoners March Willingly Into the Burning Cage

Gates of Vienna-

When the prevailing ethos of a country’s political and media class is one of insanity and/or national suicide, no one should be too surprised when what was once thought unthinkable becomes a sudden and shocking reality. A good example of this is the crowning of Sadiq Khan as Mayor of London…

Sadiq Khan… would appear to be yet another one of those Muslim politicians who say one thing to their Eloi English audience and quite another to their own community when well out of infidel earshot.

Mr Khan’s brother-in-law, Makbool Javaid, was a supporter of the terrorist organisation Al-Muhajiroun which became notorious for its September 2002 conference “The Magnificent 19” praising the September 11, 2001 attacks. Mr Javaid appeared alongside some of the country’s most infamous hate preachers, and in 1998 his name appeared on a fatwa calling for a “full-scale war of jihad” against Britain and the US.

Sadiq Khan was on the board of the “civil liberties” pressure group Liberty (NCCL) for three years… who has excused the murder of British soldiers and was involved with the extremist organisations Islamic Forum of Europe and Jamaat e Islami.

Khan has defended the Taliban supporter Babar Ahmad, the Saudi Arabian “charity worker” Shaker Aamer and the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood Yusuf al Qaradawi, who called the murder of Israeli civilians a legitimate act. Strange bedfellows all, it really has to be said.

Mr Khan’s speechwriter Shueb Salar… included the suggestion that Fusilier Lee Rigby’s murder had been faked.

The Mayor of London has so many links to so many unpleasant people and organisations, it becomes incredibly boring transcribing them in their entirety. I suggest people read this one article which covers Sadiq Khan’s alliance with the extremist Islamic student organisationFOSIS, his praise for the Islam Channel despite its being constantly fined for promoting radicalisation, and his apparent inability to recognise the black flag of Islam as a terrorist symbol after it was waved by an audience member during a Sadiq Khan speech.


ht/ fdr in hell

8 Comments on Londoners March Willingly Into the Burning Cage

  1. Anybody catch that Looney Tunes MoFo Kerry’s comesencement speech? A World with out borders? These people are seriously fucked up. Why are we letting them get away with this crap? It’s no wonder their after are guns.

  2. Raised in a disposable culture, that if you break something or lose it you just go out and buy another. They’ve lost the will to fight because they’ve never truly appreciated what they are about to lose and when they do will find out that Freedom isn’t available at Wal-Mart and it’s too late to order it from Amazon! Meanwhile suck-ups like Kerry will pander away trying to keep one step ahead of being eaten!

  3. Generations of leftist inculcators portrayed Britain’s imperial past as simple racism in a brainwashing program so vast that the few who see it are instantly rejected as cranks and fools. The natives now desire and self-inflict punishment and pennance at the hands of the imported oppressed, so it’s apparently worked.

  4. All those too young to remember the London Blitz of 1940 will now have the opportunity to relive that nightmare under the new Moslem Mayor. Welcome to 21st Century Britain where “the sun has set.”

    Obviously, we fought World War Two for nothing… NOTHING. 🙁

  5. Next step in the plans of the death cult caliphate is to take over all of Great Britain And THEIR MILITARY. The UK is rated 6th in the world in military strength. I can imagine what happens when murderous moslems are allowed to take control of their military weaponry.

  6. The U.K. Is, thanks to the USA and the “Specisl Relationship” and NATO, a major nuclear power, with the full global triad of subs/silos/air delivery.
    Those UK/NATO class nukes are the real prize for the Caliphate.
    With modern state of the art nukes under Muslim UK control , the global game changes for the USA (and whatever Infidel resistance remains elsewhere).

    I lived in London, loved the people, watched the Muslim influence growing.
    Many Brits see the danger, and understand the problem. They’re not all Eloi (see Pat Condell on YouTube).
    But their leftist government has disarmed them completely. Their Left wing has done its decades of cultural undermining thoroughly. Massive immigration/population replacement assures the rest.
    Now, as the Left planned all along, when the political takeover is revealed to be in its final stages, and the trap is sprung, there remain no options for resistance.

    Obama, Jarrett etc have been coordinating the same takeover playbook here. We have not yet been disarmed. But they are working on it culturally. And the immigration invasion is working here, through government mandate.
    Hillary will complete the job, if elected.

    Islam delenda est.

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