Michael Savage’s Theory on Why Trump is Leading is as Good as Anyone’s – IOTW Report

Michael Savage’s Theory on Why Trump is Leading is as Good as Anyone’s

Basically, his theory comes down to Trump being the most masculine of the bunch, in voice, tone and confidence.

The people want someone strong who wants America to be on top, trusting that Trump will get it right, surrounding himself with a winning team once he’s in office.

It just might be that simple.

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29 Comments on Michael Savage’s Theory on Why Trump is Leading is as Good as Anyone’s

  1. Savage has some good insights.
    Of course he has to blast everyone that calls in to his radio show.
    He is a grumpy bastard but lives in San Fransicko so who can blame him?

    Trump is popular because he wants to burn it down.
    Burn down the Congressional CVS, similar to what they did in Baltimore.
    The difference is this is metaphorically and it will benefit the country.

  2. Savage is a fucking loon. A couple years back he was hiding in a bunker in the middle of Nevada because he thought his dribble was worth being on some sort of hit list.

    I’m a big TRUMP FAN because I think he can be successful in bringing back manufacturing jobs back here where they belong. I don’t really care for his braggadocios style but I get it. This guy knows how to negotiate like no other and he’s already talking about a team. It might take a Trump to undo a Bush,Clinton,Bush, and most certainly that moooslem Obama. Those mentioned have sold us out. And by the way Trump released his 2A plans today. Google it. Yes I’m talking to you brother Tsunami.

  3. If the other candidates imbibe in alcoholic beverages, Trump just might have more testosterone than they have. Alpha male!

    Alcohol reduces testosterone. Trump doesn’t drink alcohol. Now if we can just get him to reduce his carb intake. I want him around for a long time.

  4. I believe he loves America.
    I love his Un- PC.
    I believe his sustained success would depend on being surrounded with like-minded (not necessarily) yes sayers.
    His presidency would in some degree jolt the feminists.
    His business mind is totally antithetical to Obamas’ socialist one.
    He definitely stands out like another Reagan.
    USA under a strong leader with a vision of restored prosperity through heavy changes in policy would positively effect the rest of the world.

  5. While all the radio talk show guys have a certain air of “I’m great”. Savage takes it to “I’m God”. Yes he made an interesting point, but he is so beyond general normalcy. I’ll stick with Levin.

  6. Water seeks its level and people seek their push-back. None of these GOPe apple-polishers have any idea who will be in their cabinet or what the world will look like come January 2017. All of these specific tactics and strategies they promise at this point are not even worthy of Tom Clancy in the reality department.. Trump should complement all his rivals on their A+ campaign term papers, then say that his plan is to consider what Obama would do, and then do the opposite. Ten points up in the polls instantly.

  7. I dont want a Compromiser-in-Chief.

    We had a governor that was a complete jerk named Janklow. Ran stops signs in his vette, Got pulled over for speeding NUMEROUS times, became congressman, and eventually ran a stop sign and killed a motorcyclist. End of politics for him. BUT, what I liked about him was that he told us what he was going to do, and did it. Whether i agreed or not, i knew what he would do. Theres a certain confidence in that. He was very popular, elected for 4 terms gov, and one term congress.

    He kicked their ass’es and people thanked him.

    I see that in TRUMP.

  8. I think the best thing about Trump is he’s a big picture guy. He sees the goal, gets the main points and says (many times) “But those are just minor details.” In other words he — like all successful people — see the problem as already solved and just sets into motion the plan and execution. That’s why he gets things done so quickly. He doesn’t like petty functionaries, bureaucracy and bean counters but he could probably estimate to with a few thousand dollars of what it will cost to build a multi-million dollar building, including first year maintenance. He’s already figured out how to save taxpayers over $100M on the Capitol repointing work by not taking down the scaffolding for the inauguration. That’s how he thinks. It’s what he loves to do. He’s a master problem solver.

  9. I have at least a drink (or two) (or three) every day, pretty much since 2008 (gee, what happened to the world and the construction industry in 2008, Chief?) although I’ve had a few periods, like the whole month of August this year, where I gave it up completely.

    While I too admire people who don’t drink, I find that this is also really only in theory, since the people I know who don’t drink are mostly either dry drunks or insufferable effing bores.

    I’m not saying ALL are, just the ones I know, and as the head of a construction firm, and the oldest of seven kids, and a pretty gregarious dude middle aged dude, I know A LOT of people.

    I wish this wasn’t the case, but some things are just true about people. That Trump doesn’t drink and is, well, Trump, makes him a rare cat, indeed.

    And what I’ve discovered myself about booze, having been on and off of it, is that I find the world just a bit more dull and colorless and humorless without it. Food doesn’t taste as good, friends aren’t nearly as witty, music looses some of its mystery, and life’s stresses…off the charts.

    Of course, the downsides are also well known. I believe it was Kingsley Amis who said “every man needs to know when you’re getting more out of the booze or if the booze is getting more out of you”, or something to this affect, but I remain a drinker, as I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s one of life’s gifts, if and only if it’s not abused.

    Like Frank Sinatra said “I feel sorry for for people who don’t drink. When they get up in the morning that’s the best that they’re gonna feel all day”.

    And for those of you who don’t imbibe, Slainte!

  10. The constant self aggrandizement is the deal breaker for me with him, but I can’t say that I’ve ever disagreed with his assessments all that often.

    And as to the paranoia? I think the jury is out on that one. I still find myself wondering what REALLY happened to Andrew Breitbart.

  11. I gave it up over thirty years ago, don’t really miss it and it sure makes a dinner date a lot cheaper. Also stopped going to bars back then which has insured that my 33 years of marriage will most likely continue uninterrupted. My dad and my kid sister both drank themselves into an early grave, so I got that going for me.

    Our church is re-evaluating our non-drinking policy, especially in view of Paul’s advice to Timothy:
    “Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake and thine often infirmities.” 1 Tim 5:23

    I wouldn’t mind a little toddy before bed sometimes.

  12. Savage is fun sometimes, but when he starts attacking religion, mainly Christianity like he is the final authority on it, I turn him off. He is Jewish. He needs to keep his talk about politics and quit promoting his books.

  13. Ann Barnhardt said the same thing a while back on the Andrea Shea King Show. She despises Trump, but she compares his appeal to her own: people want to hear blunt talk, without the politically correct B.S..

  14. I don’t care that the Donald is Arrogant, thin skinned and self promoting. I DO think he wants to be part of a winning team, and that’s the antithesis of what the left (and some in the GOP) are trying to do… The GOP will try to sabotage him. That’s really his biggest threat.

    This is a guy who spent his life NOT necessarily studying conservative ideals, but running a business. I think he will genuinely begin learning WHY those ideals are important, and many (probably not all) he will embrace.

    So, more power to him. The fact that the left has blood squirting out of their eyes over him makes him all that more appealing to me.

    I would like to see a true intellectual like Cruz planning our future, but having the Donald would serve the left right after producing the vile pretendident we have now. Maybe Donald will prosecute that maggot and roll back every single document he signed.

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