Missou College Female Snowflakes Want Their Women Only Lounges After Feminist Whining Shut Down Male Only Lounges – IOTW Report

Missou College Female Snowflakes Want Their Women Only Lounges After Feminist Whining Shut Down Male Only Lounges

SJWs just don’t seem to know how friggin silly and stupid they are. How does a women-only lounge fit into the “equality” movement?

And what about the men who identify as women, do they get to go into the safe-space, swinging their dicks?

Maybe the women should have kept their yaps shut about the male-only lounge, no? Maybe they should have kept their yaps shut about everything.


Michigan State students fight plan to make women-only study lounge ‘gender neutral’

…our lounge, the only room on campus where women could relax and just be around other women, is being taken away.”

The petition cites a civil rights complaint… filed with the Michigan Department of Civil Rights that points out the blatant sexual discrimination of MSU maintaining a women only lounge when a similar “safe space” is not afforded to male students, Mlive.com reports.

The “selective, double-standard of civil rights enforcement” at MSU violates federal law, Perry wrote in a blog for theAmerican Enterprise Institute.

“When civil rights laws like Title IX are applied to benefit college women with gender parity in sports programs, for example, women vigorously support those laws,” Perry wrote. “But when Title IX legislation is applied to protect the rights of college men and end discrimination at MSU against half of its students, women no longer support Title IX if it means losing their illegal public study space.”

Cue one of our favorite comedians, Bill Burr- (salty language)



12 Comments on Missou College Female Snowflakes Want Their Women Only Lounges After Feminist Whining Shut Down Male Only Lounges

  1. I PERSONALLY was sexually assaulted in my dorm room on multiple occasions, and I paid good money to have it done….I bought the beer and pizza and she had her way with me….thank you Cyndi….

  2. I suspect what these feminazis don’t realize is bit by bit, action by action they cheapen the value of their degree from these universities and colleges to the point where HR managers simply read where the job applicants degree was granted and toss out the resume. What business owner in their right mind would actually invite one of these whiners into his operation to infect their workforce with this tripe. It would be interesting to see what the employment rate for Mizzou grads from 20 years ago and now. Watch each year go with the meaningful employment stats drop.

  3. “…our lounge, the only room on campus where women could relax and just be around other women, is being taken away.”

    This is not true. They still have the kitchen.

  4. The hens and fags get away with most of this shit because men have more important things with which to concern themselves. However that may be, with the concomitant feminization of “maleness” we will experience more and more “men” holding their breath and working themselves into hysterical lathers over this puerile PC bullshit – and, ultimately, everybody loses.
    College is no longer (if it ever was) a place of learning – but a place of establishing ties and status amongst other mal-educated maggots.

    It is to weep … if I were a weepy person …

    izlamo delenda est …

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