Whoa!!!!! On Air Reporter in New York Lets Slip a Secret Service Order That is a BOMBSHELL! – IOTW Report

Whoa!!!!! On Air Reporter in New York Lets Slip a Secret Service Order That is a BOMBSHELL!

On air reporter says secret service warned people with flashes that they could trigger Hillary’s seizure disorder.

ht/ Bill – White Plains ‏@BillPlains

via FireAndreaMitchell

33 Comments on Whoa!!!!! On Air Reporter in New York Lets Slip a Secret Service Order That is a BOMBSHELL!

  1. immediately take her to a gay nightclub with pounding techno music, strobe lights and a whirling disco ball. She’ll be flopping on the floor faster than a fresh-caught Flounder. I’d pay cash money to see that.

  2. gotta stop posting from my phone auto correct screws up everything. Big Brad did you copy and paste a portion of some email from the DNC that got leaked about Hillary’s health? (
    Refering to first cryptic post)

  3. Fox news said they confiscated cell phones at the last debate. Said they couldn’t trust that people would turn off the flash.

    How in the fuck is this evil woman supposed to represent America if she can’t hold up to camera flashes? No way in hell.

  4. Again, an illustration of the liberal group backing such a horror show candidate, and the weak, slack-backed non-leadership of the GOP, turning and running, at the first scummy liberal attack.

    I hate to disappoint stupid Ryan, but people tend to vote the ticket, so all the voters he encourages to abandon Trump, will probably also abandon the entire GOP ticket. Talk about karma kicking you in the butt! Bye, bye Ryan. It hasn’t been good to know you, you useless piece of crap.

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