California Set to Give Full Health Care Benefits to Low Income Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

California Set to Give Full Health Care Benefits to Low Income Illegal Immigrants

Epoch Times: 

California lawmakers released a final draft of the state’s 2020 budget late Sunday evening that would expand health care to illegal immigrants and cost taxpayers nearly $100 million per year.

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom reached an agreement with Democrats in the state legislature to become the first state in the nation to provide full health care benefits to tens of thousands of illegal immigrants.

As part of a larger $213 billion budget, low-income illegal immigrants under the age of 26 will be eligible for California’s Medicaid program, Medi-Cal, reported The Sacramento Bee. Under the agreement, approximately 90,000 new individuals would qualify with an estimate price tag of $98 million annually.

California will begin taxing residents who don’t have health insurance in order to help ease the program’s financial burden, creating an individual-mandate penalty. Initially implemented under the Obama administration to help pay for the federal Affordable Care Act, more commonly referred to as Obamacare, Republicans rolled back the federal individual-mandate penalty in 2017.

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18 Comments on California Set to Give Full Health Care Benefits to Low Income Illegal Immigrants

  1. It’s a sign of just how much control the left/progressives figure they have over California. Create a mandate that will tax taxpayers that will gamble their own money by going without health insurance (usually the younger ones) to pay for health insurance for illegal aliens. I wonder how loyal to liberalism these citizens will feel when the new tax kicks in.

  2. Just amazing. Illegal immigrant with no insurance = free health care. US Citizen with no insurance = tax fine.

    I’m sure that $100 million price tag is the on the low end of the scale. I won’t be surprised to see $500 million final cost when the bill comes due.

  3. Shut off the federal spigot to California! I don’t want my hard-earned tax dollars funding this! They’re Illegal! It’s Illegal! This is a ploy for normalizing and foisting Socialism on the rest of the country and I want NOTHING to do with it!
    Stop the federal dollars to California. They want to do this, let them fund it all by themselves! If it’s so good let them show the nation how to do it…. BY THEMSELVES!
    Let them show the nation how to turn the West Coast into our Venezuela. It will sink them because it is not sustainable. Just leave me and the rest of sane thinking Americans everywhere out of it!!

  4. Dear IOTW readers & writers, as soon as I get my Conservative family & acquaintances out of CA, please feel free to separate the state from the mainland. How Ever. Thank you kindly ♥♥

  5. FTA: California will begin taxing residents who don’t have health insurance in order to help ease the program’s financial burden.

    I thought we had something very similar to that all across the land. Now what was the name of that? I can’t recall. Oh well, it failed anyway, but I’m sure this will work Cali. Good luck!

  6. Reduce their Federal Subsidies, dollar for dollar.

    And don’t say they can’t! Jimmy Carter reduced Federal Employees (including Armed Forces) Retirements by the amount of Socialist Security (which they paid into) dollar for dollar – even though the guys who fought in WWII were promised that wouldn’t happen.

    “Just Do It!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. On one hand, it’s pretty shitty to see California do this to tax paying residents, but on the other hand it’s nice to see California swimming in so much money they can offer free healthcare to non tax paying undocumented residents.

    Wait.. what?

  8. I’m a legal citizen that has lived in California for decades. I’ve been paying their painfully high taxes the entire time and I get 0.0% free health care benefits from the state.

    So it seems clear who these politicians want to take care of, and who they view as a farm animal to be fleeced as needed.
    The illegal immigrant vote will allow California politicians to continue to loot the economy while citizens like me will do our best to hinder them. Illegal alien votes will neutralize my efforts so politicians allow/encourage them to stream into the state. Politicians in California are truly in a ‘kid in a candy store’ situation, they do as they please.
    I suggest you build a wall around California cut it off of all federal funds. Politicians here are only going to continue to try to increase the amount of tax dollars that they leech off the rest of the country.


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