Don’t Slough This Off As Much Ado About Nothing – This is Everything – IOTW Report

Don’t Slough This Off As Much Ado About Nothing – This is Everything

Petrus sent me this clip of Katy Perry getting confronted by a comedian after she tried to SJWarrior herself on the guy.

This is what needs to happen at every turn. This is how we win, when we show how ridiculous, wrong and embarrassing the left’s beliefs are.

Katy Perry is ranked number one on Twitter. She has 101 MILLION twitter followers. That’s only 27 million less than the total votes in the 2016 presidential election. Hillary Clinton chose Katy Perry to go cross country with in order to capture more votes. Hillary used her song, Roar, as a campaign theme.

Katy Perry is an idiot. Not solely because she’s a progressive, but because she’s an idiot.

Here she is calling out a comedian for saying something “racist.”

This is what we need more of.

See how Perry shrunk like a melting snowflake when confronted with her abject idiocy? See how the powerful Katy Perry submitted and accepted her idiocy?

This is easy to do when people are willing to do it.

I wish Leno was on that panel with Perry. Here is one of my favorite Leno stories, and I like that he’s telling it on the execrable Seth Meyers’ show.

19 Comments on Don’t Slough This Off As Much Ado About Nothing – This is Everything

  1. Exactly, the left needs to be openly mocked and not taken seriously. They don’t even know what they are saying and certainly can’t defend any of it. And young people that see it challenged are going to be more prone not to just adopt it all and jump on the bandwagon to join the ‘cool’ folks. Seriously, this woman can’t master the language she has been speaking her entire life and clearly doesn’t have a clue what racism really is.

  2. 🏴 How to fight back: 🏴

    1. Be un-P.C.
    2. They act offended.
    3. You be offended by them being offended.
    4. Now there is a show-down between 2 people who are offended.
    5. Shame them for offending you.
    6. Congratulated them for causing 2 ppl to be offended instead of one.

    Persist that you are the victim and are now inconsolably offended. Caterwaul and carry on until they are shamed into silence. Cry if necessary. Throw it back in their face. -Gotta win the offended Olympics.

    You’re welcome.

  3. BFH,

    “This is how we win, when we show how ridiculous, wrong and embarrassing the left’s beliefs are.”

    And that is exactly why we need deep cover satire of their beliefs. When, and ONLY when, somebody says they can’t tell if it’s real or not, you let them in on the joke. They suddenly realize all on their own that reality for the Left is indistinguishable from deliberate absurdity…they realize, without being told, just how insane the Left is. Get it now? 🙂

  4. “Mildly racist.” Is that like being kind of pregnant?

    She’s learned that you look smart when you make a quick comment accusing another of violating some SJ norm. Now she’s learned how stupid it is when the subject response back in kind.

  5. She’s despicable and a spoiled, smart-ass. Now she’s has a millennial audience of fools who hang on her everyone stupid word. Perry is also a phony, backslidden hypocrite who knows better.

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