Fiorina On Her Running Mate Ted Cruz – IOTW Report

Fiorina On Her Running Mate Ted Cruz

42 Comments on Fiorina On Her Running Mate Ted Cruz

  1. If this isn’t enough for the Cruxbots to fucking throw their hands up and say we’ve been ass fucked for the last time then just lay in a life time supply of vaseline and FOAD.

    Lord help us. The one chance we have to turn the nightmare around and STILL there are maroons praising Cruz.

    WTF more does Cruz have to do to show you he’s insider, power hungry pol that would suck off McConnell on national TV to get the nod?

  2. Gah! Why point out the weakness of Cruz and the chick? They are no count now. They are the losers. Trump is gonna be the nominee. We need to move over to either promoting Trump or tearing down Hilliary. Stop with the stupid!!!!!

    And tread carefully, Trump will likely do worse. You are setting yourself up for ridicule.

  3. JohnS has officially earned the title of IOTW lying piece of shit. Prove what you said loser. By the way, did you listen to Marco’s latest comments loser? No. Take the tin foil hat off and watch any news station. Or Drudge. If shit were brains you wouldn’t get a fart.

  4. Ha, Menderman is a democrat?
    All the SOB’s here that blast Cruz on a daily basis won’t be half as hard on Hillary.
    Trump is a democrat, and many here need to come out of that giant D closet and say “we are here, we are gender queer, get used to it.”

    You first Dem_Brad.

  5. It’s cute watching the Trump peeps reach out to their fellow conservatives! They say to us former Cruz supporters “FOAD we don’t need you! ” And then they say, your an asshole for being “#NeverTrump”


  6. No No, FUR if a year ago Trumps speech would have been read here in text form everyone would have been doing back flips. Yes or no? Mendermans gotta unzip his zipper to see where he’s going. There’s no logical thinking going on by these fanatics. Cruz has shown him self as a big loser twice in as many days. Now he’s under investigation by the FEC. I guess rules apply to everyone but him.

  7. No one said they needed or didn’t need you, aside from one poster on here anyway. I just think it’s incredibly immature of you to be so blindly Cruz, even after all of the weird shit he’s pulled and done. Trump is a moderate, but he’s pretty much what he says he is, just 10x times louder. I used to support Cruz, then he revealed himself and what he really stands for. Do your research, don’t be embarrassed to admit you were wrong about something or someone. That’s what it means to be an adult.

  8. WTF does Cruz have to stoop to to show the Cruzbots he ain’t what he’s been pretending to be?

    There’s no sense in listing the dozens of past, clearly anti American pee-on stances & votes he’s taken. Fuck dudes, look at the last couple weeks. moslim loving Fiorina???????? Lord.

    Right now if Cruz honestly gave a fuck about the direction the UniParty has steered us for the past 40 years he’d know he has been eliminated so forgetting the nod he’ll never get, he would passionately beseech his supporters to get behind the R nominee whom is Trump.

  9. “Cmon folks. Nobody here is a democrat.”

    Really? I hang around here demonstrating my greed, avarice, lust for power and all around disregard for my fellow human beings – not to say my penchant for furthering my own interests at the expense of others and complete sociopathy – and you can say “nobody here is a democrat?” I even use the term “progressive” in my screen name.

    Although I admit I can’t compete with Hillary – that’s pure evil. Nor can I stoop to the level of stupidity exhibited by Bernie and his Berniebots. And I find most liberal democrats kind of repulsive, and their women ugly and bitter. (The men aren’t any better – must be gender neutral you know). And frankly, I am the kind of progressive that wants to control other people’s lives rather than being told what to do, so I guess everyone still gets personal freedom until I am appointed dictator for life. And the sanctity of life thing…yeah, I’m in favor of that. Oh, and the Bill of Rights is pretty swell, and the Supreme Court are assholes for even thinking of restricting any of those individual rights.

    But other than that, I’m pretty much a democrat. Except for that Christian thing – I do that too.

  10. TWO observations bear repeating:

    1) RUSH – ”Do you realize, folks, that Trump won every county in every state that was holding elections yesterday? Every county in every state. Nobody predicted, even the most favorable predictions, even the most supportive predictions, nobody came close, really, to what happened yesterday.

    Trump got 58% of the vote in Connecticut, Cruz got 12%. Trump got 61% in Delaware, Cruz got 16%. Fifty-seven percent for Trump in Pennsylvania. That surprised a lot of people. And I’ll tell you something else. Kasich was thought to do better. He wasn’t gonna win anything, but people thought that Kasich would do better in some of these Northeastern states ’cause there’s a bunch of moderate liberal Republicans there.

    Trump 57% Pennsylvania, Cruz 22% there. Sixty-four percent for Trump in Rhode Island, Cruz at 10%. Fifty-four percent Maryland for Trump, 19% for Cruz. Nobody predicted that Trump would win every county in all five states.”


    2) TRUMP – ”That face.”


  11. Pure desperation.

    FROM “Fire Andrea Mitchell

    “The California Republican Convention is this weekend. By picking Fiorina, Ted Cruz thinks this will give him a big boost at the convention.

    I watched Fiorina’s feeble run for Senate in 2010, in a Republican year. She couldn’t even get within ten points of old hag Barbara Boxer who is unpopular, even in this loony state. She may have had a few good GOP debates, but she is about as progressive Republican as it gets.”


  12. No Brad, no one will be humping my leg.
    You however are about due for another night with the bottle feeling sorry about your weak impotent life and start threatening people so at least in your imagination you can become someone that others respect.
    Then at 2 AM you will pass out only to awaken the next day still a weak little loser.

  13. JohnS: the little man troll who still clutches to his 5-state loser, frothing desperately as he grasps for some hope in the underwear of his political remnants….

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