Gabbard Confronts Romney on Ukraine Biolabs After He Called Her a Treasonous Liar – IOTW Report

Gabbard Confronts Romney on Ukraine Biolabs After He Called Her a Treasonous Liar

.@MittRomney, you have called me a ‘treasonous liar’ for stating the fact that “there are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release & spread deadly pathogens to US/world” and therefore must be secured in order to prevent new pandemics. Bizarrely, …

… you claim that securing these labs (or even calling for securing these labs) is treasonous and will lead to a loss of life, when the exact opposite is obviously true. The spread of pathogens is what will cause the loss of life, not the prevention of such spread.

Senator Romney, please provide evidence that what I said is untrue and treasonous. If you cannot, you should do the honorable thing: apologize and resign from the Senate.

Evidence of the existence of such biolabs, their vulnerability, and thus the need to take immediate action to secure them is beyond dispute:

#1. State Department’s Victoria Nuland acknowledged such labs containing dangerous pathogens exist in Ukraine in her testimony to the US Senate (March 8, 2022): “Ukraine has biological research facilities which, in fact we are quite concerned that Russian troops may be seeking…

…to gain control of. We are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach.”

#2. Pentagon Fact sheet (March 11, 2022) has numerous statements directly & indirectly confirming the existence of such biolabs.

“The United States, through BTRP, has invested approximately $200 million in Ukraine since 2005, supporting 46 Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and diagnostic sites.”

#3. CBS Face the Nation (March 13, 2022) correspondent David Martin said a Pentagon official told him they’re concerned about the existence of such biolabs in Ukraine: “The concern is that the Russians will seize one of these biomedical research facilities that Ukraine has…

…where they do research on deadly pathogens like botulism and anthrax, seize one of those facilities, weaponize the pathogen, and then blame it on Ukraine and the US, because the US has been providing support for some of the research being done in those facilities.”

#4. In April 2020, in refuting Russia’s accusation that U.S. is using biolabs in Ukraine to develop biological weapons, U.S. Embassy in Ukraine acknowledged there are U.S. funded labs in Ukraine working with pathogens for vaccine & other peaceful purposes

#5. CNN fact-check (March 10, 2022): “There are US-funded biolabs in Ukraine, that much is true.”

#6. Furthermore, according to the DoD there are two biolabs in Ukraine that have been under Russian control for some time: “Russia illegally took possession of two Ukrainian-owned laboratories that BTRP upgraded in 2014 and continues to deny Ukrainian access to these facilities.”

So, Senator Romney, you have a choice: out of pride, continue to deny the truth or admit you are wrong, apologize, and resign. Aloha. And remember that without the truth, we can be neither safe nor free.

-Tulsi Gabbard

35 Comments on Gabbard Confronts Romney on Ukraine Biolabs After He Called Her a Treasonous Liar

  1. Mitt Romney is a Piece of Shirt. I wish that coke sucker would effing die already. What has he ever done to make anything, (other than his net worth)better? He makes John McCain look like a true altruist.

  2. Mitt should go right over there and investigate!

    He should wear Bright Pink & a rainbow Flag. For visibility.
    The Ruskies & the Krains LOVE that SJW shit.

  3. Restate that Tulsi is a Bernie Bro.
    That aside, this is a great example of providing supporting documentation for your arguments, something that the Left never, ever does. Well, for Leftist arguments.

  4. Mittens needs to go home to one of his mansions and keep his mouth shut.
    He’s nothing but a carpet bagger and he’s still mad that Trump won for POTUS on his first time in the political arena and he couldn’t even debate Obama on a 4th grade level.

  5. “… have a choice: out of pride, continue to deny the truth….”
    Mittens has no pride, only hubris.

  6. If either one of these “politicians” told me the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, I would want a second opinion.

    Not that I care one twit what either says but has Mittens ever denied the existence of these labs or that they were [partially] funded by us?

    Last night I watched Mark Levin, for about a minute, and he was saying these biolabs are all fabricated Russian propaganda.

    I believe that bad shit is happening in Ukraine, beyond that, who the hell knows for sure?

  7. Mittens wants to boink her but she’s having none of it.
    Thus; his vitriol.

    He should put up or, as she said, apologize and resign – the only honorable things to do – … – uhh – … BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA … can’t believe I just wrote “honorable” in some connection to Mittens! Sorry.

    Mittens is a treasonous scumbag along with Graham, Scott, Blunt, Porter, Murkowski, and a host of others.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Racer X – agreed. Although I wish she would recant her socialist views.
    I put her in a similar bucket to Dan Crenshaw, says some good things but unreliable.

  9. It’s my understanding that Romney has one of his children deeply involved in the Ukie swamp. Along with Kerry’s stepson, Hunter Biden and Pelosi’s son Paul. All should face a tribunal for crimes against humanity. Mitt is Very good at projecting. FMR

  10. Mittens is too gutless in my opinion to respond appropriately. After all, when running for president he should have attacked Harry Reid for lying about his taxes, but he didn’t, thus helping Obama win.

  11. Here is Kurt Schlichter’s response to Mitt , “That’s LTC Gabbard to you. I don’t need to hear one damn word from anyone in your non-serving family about patriotism. And I don’t even agree with her, but at least she and I served – unlike you and your entire family of free riders – and we’ll both say whatever we want. Jerk.”

  12. Romney is nothing but a rich fool just like his buddy Lurch.Romney would not tell the truth if his life depended on it why he ever got elected from Utah just goes to show that if you are from Utah and a morman thats all it takes.You would think the mormans would be kind to the right but I guess not.

  13. The “state department” admitted that they were …ours; where’ve you been, Mittster? Perhaps he’s just covering for his, Joe’s, Nancy’s and JFnK’s whelps/step whelp.

    Yes, this is the state of our union.

  14. This POS clown needs to be voted out…. Come on Utah…. get rid of this piece of excrement… there has to be TONS of candidates in Utah that would be better for you, and America…

  15. So, Tulsi doesn’t like being called names. She should have thought about that before she called Trump a pimp. He was her Commander-in-Chief, as she was in the National Guard. She did this publicly, and for the publicity, and while she was wearing her NG uniform. This is a court-martial offense. But, she’s a Democrat politician, so, no court-martial; no punishment of any kind.

    I would say that you got what you had coming, Tulsi.

  16. “She is still listed as a Demo.”

    And Mitts listed as a Republican. So is Graham. And Crenshaw. And Turtle Boy. I could go on for a couple hours.
    Gabbard holds no political office and has probably become un electable. with the positions she’s taken. But she has integrity. Most don’t even know what it is. So let her keep talking. Conservatives are the ones benefiting.

  17. I hope Tulsi is mulling over future political aspirations. The bar is so low now that anyone that shows a modicum of integrity and discernment has a leg up on our current class of under-achievers.

  18. Mitt Romney is a piece of shit who is damn near a billionaire who has produced nothing in his life but a trail of broken promises, bankrupted workers, and disappointed voters. Fuck him and his entire clan of jack mormon scumbags.

  19. What to say? If Mitt’s right, for the wrong reason?

    The fact, proven, fact, that Tulsi claims that his resigning will be enough, means she, absolutely is, a treasonous liar.

  20. Time for Mittens to buy up another company and throw the workers on the street without severance pay. He is real good at that. What the hell are people in Utah thinking? Tulsi may be a Bernie bro but at least she wore the uniform. Nobody in Mittens’ family ever served anything except themselves.

  21. The Hell with an apology! Few if any politicians say anything with meaning. I’d demand a CAGE MATCH! She’d have him squealing like the pig he is in about 1 minute and have him drinking Coke and coffee 20 seconds later. Then she could give him a massive wedgie with his sacred underwear just before she threw him out of the cage. DAMN!! What a wonderful image if I do say so myself!


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