Glaring Oversight in OJ Parole Board Hearing – IOTW Report

Glaring Oversight in OJ Parole Board Hearing

This should give everyone confidence in the government-


OJ Simpson will be a free man in October thanks to the decision of a Nevada parole board. But the New York Times reports on a jarring oversight that perhaps could have changed board members’ thinking. During the hearing, members stated that Simpson had no criminal convictions. Not true. He was, of course, acquitted in his famous murder trial, but prior to that, in 1989, he pleaded no contest to misdemeanor battery of wife Nicole Brown Simpson. The problem is, that court result for some reason never made it into a giant FBI database, known as the National Crime Information Center, upon which parole board officials around the country base their decisions.

Nevada officials recently re-checked the NCIC after an inquiry from the Times and still came up empty. “This most recent report also makes no mention of the 1989 California court record,” says a state parole board official.


17 Comments on Glaring Oversight in OJ Parole Board Hearing

  1. I think 9 years out of 27 is a bit long for someone just trying to recover his own shit. Big deal, he intimidated a sleazy sports memorabilia peddler.


  2. He’s going to be a real asset for property values in his new digs. His neighbors probably won’t sleep too well either, especially those with blonde daughters. They’ll need a spotter just to go check the mailbox.

  3. Six months at the most and he’ll be right back where he belongs. Gotta hunch he spent a lotta time, learning from professionals, all the things you need to know to get away with crimes. Won’t find any calluses on his pray bones until the cops are closing in. Just like Hillary.

  4. because it was a misdemeanor and not a felony conviction? we all know he butchered his wife and her friend. because of double jeopardy he will never face justice on this earth through the official channels . the judge was a clown and malfeasance doesn’t even begin to cover the actions of the jury. the trial was a 3 ring circus. stitching him up for extra time on a bullshit inflated rap was never going to make up for what he got away with.

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