Has the Maxine Waters Staffer Doxxer Been Found?? – IOTW Report

Has the Maxine Waters Staffer Doxxer Been Found??

A Tweeter thinks so.

ht/ czar of defenestration

15 Comments on Has the Maxine Waters Staffer Doxxer Been Found??

  1. Turn about is fair play. Libtards want to dox? They can be doxxed in return. Publicly publish their name, address, email, FB, Twatter, car and license plate, bank where they have their account(s), etc.
    Sauce, goose, gander.

  2. How come CNN, CBS, NBC, WaPo, the NYT etc. are not interested in that envelope that Jackoff Lee handed to the shyster? It must be some kind of bribe pay off. What other reason could there be?

  3. Anonymous
    “What machine do they use to turn out the clones of the left?”

    It doesn’t take much, they only have two moving parts, their mouth and their asshole….and they’re INTERCHANGEABLE!

  4. I cannot say this enough, it is so scary. This needs to be well understood by as many literate voters as possible.
    If the Democrats do take the House, Maxine Waters, one of the stupidest Democrats in Washington (and that’s saying something), will become Chairman of the House Committee on Financial Services, which is the committee overseeing the entire financial services industry: securities (Wall Street), banking, insurance, and housing. Devastating.


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