Hippies Hold Seance To Summon Communist Founder – IOTW Report

Hippies Hold Seance To Summon Communist Founder

DC: Two journalists used an Ouija board to try summoning the spirit of Karl Marx Thursday, seeking solace from the alleged horror of capitalism.

The two women, identified as Callie and Sarah, used the Ouija board as part of a Halloween themed Facebook Live video for Broadly, a women’s news publication of Vice that reports “Sex, politics, culture, witchcraft. Women’s news you thought would exist by now.” Sarah and Callie, who have both dabbled in occult practices, used the segment to explore witchcraft and bemoan capitalism, admonishing their viewers that there was still time to “seize the means” and that the spirit of Marx was needed.

“And I think the spookiest thing of all is capitalism, personally,” Sarah said. “Like, that’s what terrifies me in my core late at night.”  MORE

26 Comments on Hippies Hold Seance To Summon Communist Founder

  1. Bad MoJo. Bible warns about contacting the dead.
    You ain’t talkin’ to old Karl,you are talking
    to one of satan’s trillions of demons…

  2. Well Karl did set a good example for future followers, talk about a future society that can never exist and at the same time leech off of the very system you loathe and kill anyone who disagrees with you.
    This is why the left is the enemy and needs to be crushed.

  3. It seems like Vice started off as a left-libertarian kind of channel but has really made a hard Left turn over the last two years.

    Nothing says Science Denier like attempting to summon spirits on your Ouija board. Take that Bill Nye.

  4. I had a ouija board follow me around for a while. I finally had to burn it to get rid of it once and for all. True story.

    About 20 years ago, my son and I took a road trip out of town to visit relatives for Christmas. Someone bought my niece a ouija board for Christmas. Her mother didn’t want her to have it, so my SIL snuck it in the truck of my car so I brought it back home with me. I threw it in the trash. Our dog dragged it out of the trash. I threw it in the outside trash bin. The dog dragged it out and left it in the neighbors yard. The neighbor brought it back to me. I then took it to the back yard where I burned it in the fire pit.

  5. If Marx was to communicate from beyond the grave, he would probably prefer to meet with Donald Trump rather than these imbeciles. Marx was no fan of capitalism, but he wouldn’t recognize the socialism/communism promoted by today’s liberals. Marx’s goal was to return the means of production and the corresponding benefits to the working class, while today’s Democrats seek to obtain the power of government for the sake of power. Marx didn’t like the ruling class as it existed at that time, and after looking at Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and their like-minded ilk, he would probably hate these progressives even more.

    Marx wouldn’t necessarily like Trump either, but at least Marx, who was an intellectual, and Trump could have interesting discussions, particularly since Trump’s policies are designed to help the working class. These bimbos, on the other hand, would probably want to engage Karl on the vital issue of unlimited access to all bathroom and locker room facilities.

  6. These 2 must be part of the group of idiots or spiritual descendants thereof who participated in the harmonic (moronic) convergence back in the 80’s or tried to levitate the Pentagon with a group of dumbass hippies back in the late 60’s. And if I were them I wouldn’t be messing with an Ouija board ever, there are some things you just don’t mess with and Ouija boards are definitely # 1 on my list.

  7. Lines are blurred and the goalposts keep moving when it comes to the definition of marxism, but I think there’s some irony they’re using a board to channel Marx made by slave labor in communist China.

  8. I was witness to an actual exorcism when I was nine or so. It was a teenage girl, small for her age. It took four men to restrain her, and she said words in a deep, gutteral voice I didn’t hear again till boot camp. It took several hours. Mission accomplished, it turned out later she had been using a Ouija board. They are NOT something to mess around with!

  9. @T: You know, you’re probably right. When I was a child, I believed everything I was told. Now I know better.

    How about you? Do you believe anything anyone tells you?

  10. I don’t dabble in the occult. But those who do seem to all have various tales of it bringing Bad Juju into their lives.

    Plenty of darkness in the average subconscious. Easily tapped into, even without anything supernatural.

    Lots of negative stories about Ouija boards. I’ve never heard a single positive story.

    Contacting the deceased? Mrs. Houdini never succeeded.

  11. I don’t know what the connection was but Christopher Lee said he had had some exposure to the occult through people he knew back in the 70s or so. There’s an interview you can find from a few years before he died where he warns an audience to stay away from anything occultic as insnely dangerous. He never explained exactly what or why but he was deadly serious.

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