Jon Tester Supports Gun Control, Lies About Hunting – IOTW Report

Jon Tester Supports Gun Control, Lies About Hunting

Breitbart: Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) supported Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) post-Orlando Pulse gun control push and has not had a hunting license in his home state of Montana in six years.

On June 12, 2018, Breitbart News reported Jon Tester’s support of a gun control measure that would have expanded the prohibited persons list for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

The measure failed because it portended a violation of due process rights by forcing forfeiture of Second Amendment rights on accusations rather than convictions via an incorporation of the terror watch list.

Ironically, the Orlando Pulse attacker was not on a terror watch list to begin with, so Feinstein’s push was simply gun control for the sake of gun control. But Tester supported it.

And according to Fox News, although Tester is campaigning on his love for hunting, he has not had a Montana hunting license in six years. more here

25 Comments on Jon Tester Supports Gun Control, Lies About Hunting

  1. “Montana: Another victim of “the California effect”.”

    You’re running out of Californians. Do the math.

    I have a few friends from Montana. They claim there’s a lot of poverty and therefore lots of people on welfare and subsidies. You know, democrats.
    Any native Montanans that ca shed some light?

  2. Tony R:

    I agree with your observatiuon about that hard-left slandering manatee but I would like to help you avoid citations by the ‘P.C. police’

    ‘ Tub of Shit ‘ is the OLD, politically-incorrect term for Tester and similar gastropods.
    The new , acceptable term is “Morbidly Obese, Metabolism-Challenged , Tub of Shit ”

    Oh, you’re welcome.

  3. @BB: 1) I’m fairly certain that Fester has never carried his home town or county since his days as a MT Legislator.

    2) MT does have a notable amount of poverty – most of it on the Indian reservations, all of which are reliable bastions of votes for (d)s. The other bastions of (d) votes are the University towns and Nolackaloonies, the Capital City. Butte/Anaconda still are strong union towns and also vote (d), even though most recent (d) initiatives have had a big hand in destroying their local economies. The (d) votes there are less dominant than they once were.

    3) Fester, like Mux Bogus before him, always touts his support of the Second Amendment and never fails to vote against it. He’s VERY lucky his constituents don’t pay close attention.

    Montanans don’t pay enough attention to their politicians in general, assuming, foolishly, that like them, the politicians tend to be honest. I hope enough have awakened this time to get rid of that bloated, crooked puke. “Newcomers” have an uphill battle in the state unless they are uberlibidiots running in “academic” communities. I think the latest pols show Rosendale doing better than “expected”. I think it’s a close race.

    FWIW and OT, our youngest son was going to rent a billboard in his area showing Fester and his left hand which is missing several fingers, reortedly from a farming accident. The caption was going to be, “Which was it Jon? The Hammer or the Sickle that got ’em?” I think he’s concluded that the humor would go over too many people’s heads to make it worth the expense. Great idea, though, I thought.

    And MJA’s depiction of him is PERFECT!!!

  4. really enraged

    Thanks for the info. Montana has a real attraction for me.
    You’re son sounds like a smart young man. Raised right. I love his idea. I bet people would eventually catch on.

    I might need a sponsor if I decide to move there being from California and all. LOL


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