Merrick Garland’s problems with his son-in-law just got worse – IOTW Report

Merrick Garland’s problems with his son-in-law just got worse

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

Over the last few months, as COVID brought classrooms into American homes, parents learned that their children are being taught Critical Race Theory (i.e., Whites are evil; Blacks are pathetic) and magical thinking about gender, as well as being forced to wear masks that don’t protect against disease, but do interfere with children’s health, learning, and socialization. Their vigorous complaints saw the National School Board Association suggest they’re “domestic terrorists” and Merrick Garland answer the call. We learned, too, that Merrick Garland’s son-in-law, through his company, Panorama Education, sells CRT materials to public schools. And yesterday, it turned out that Panorama is also spreading material calling Trump and his supporters “white supremacists.”

Alexander “Xan” Tanner, a very White man, is married to Merrick Garland’s daughter. Tanner co-founded Panorama Education, which purports to provide a data platform that delves into students’ psychosocial issues in order to help schools intervene in problems and improve the school climate. In a word, it’s creepy. The company, of course, insists that it’s all about diversity:

We believe Panorama is strongest when our team reflects the tremendous diversity of the students, families, and educators we serve. We aim for Panorama to be a place where team members from a wide range of identities and experiences are valued, included, and able to thrive. In our partnership with clients, we work to increase equitable access to education, especially for students from communities that have been historically underserved by America’s schools.

Yeah, right…. Go to the linked webpage and look at the employee picture. It’s a sea of White faces with a small number of racial minorities among them. All these people, obviously, have used their White privilege to deprive BIPOCS of career opportunities and, according to their own values, should be ashamed of themselves. Still, these privileged White employees feel competent to assure school districts that they’ll help fix racial inequities on campus. more here

9 Comments on Merrick Garland’s problems with his son-in-law just got worse

  1. Between their financial conflicts of interest and absurdly self-destructive leftist ideologies, it would be impossible to name one federal official who’s not scumbag material.

  2. Door Number 1: Degreed, dumbed-down, pearl-clutching, bead-strumming, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, sheet grabbing, pillow biting, moisturizing-metro-sexual, hypocritical Progressives.

    Door Number 2: A large collection of worthless, unaccomplished, Federal tit-sucking parasites.

    Door Number 3: Both groups taking advantage of the latest Poop du-Jour dogma from the Church of the Covenant of Leftism.

    I believe I’ll go with Door Number 3, Monte!

  3. Just as in the Presidency, take away Garland and there is a line of corrupt progressive ideologues waiting in the wings.

    This script was written years ago — before Obama’s fetid reign. They were just waiting for the trigger.


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