Judy Gottleib
Judy’s death is sad, but the back story on the song which contained her name is a great part of Americana. Media Confidential – “My parents insisted that my grandparents [Read More]
Judy’s death is sad, but the back story on the song which contained her name is a great part of Americana. Media Confidential – “My parents insisted that my grandparents [Read More]
After the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issued a report in June stating that there’d been no “pause” in global warming, Rep. Lamar Smith (Tex), chairman of the House Committee on Science, [Read More]
“You’re gonna want to go to the Maple St. branch if you want to confess your murder.” Inside Bay Area — On Monday, Hugo Ernesto Castro walked into the Santa Clara [Read More]
Seattle’s very own elected Socialist is at it again. via MYNorthwest—Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant wants rent control for small businesses. Sawant released a seven-point plan on Tuesday that includes stabilizing [Read More]
Judicial Watch announced today that it has filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia seeking records related to contracts between the Health and Human [Read More]
Trump winning all debate polls. Only way to take out the Dems and Hillary is coalesce behind Trump. Hold your nose if you have to. Media is doing their best [Read More]
I did this image a long, long time ago. Now that he’s speaker, I’m not so sure he’s the antidote. He might be closer to the poison. We’ll soon see.
ExpressUK: MASS migration and poverty have sent rates of tuberculosis in parts of London soaring to levels higher than those in Rwanda, Eritrea and Iraq, according to a new report. [Read More]
Damn. Turns out ScarJo isn’t so brave. She’s just trite, safe and boring. The actress reads from The Bible in a porn voice. As Islam terrorizes the world, spilling more [Read More]
TruthRevolt: There is legitimate debate about whether the Internet has hurt or improved peoples lives. The answer, of course, lies somewhere in the middle. Instant access to vast amounts of information and [Read More]
Or something… I don’t know. TruthRevolt: Feminist Freshman: The Word ‘Too’ has Ravaged WomenLong Enough It’s mass hysteria! Dogs and cats living together! It’s adverbs run amok!
JihadWatch: This fellow is apparently a “Palestinian” or an Egyptian, not a Syrian at all, but the UK Home Office is too busy preventing foes of jihad terror from entering [Read More]
[Would they both accept this random sketch?] BearingArms: Here’s an interesting First Amendment case with Second Amendment ramifications:
One of the best exchanges of the first part of this evening’s debate came when the CNBC moderators questioned the voting record of Senator Marco Rubio. After answering their questions [Read More]
After hearing @LindseyGrahamSC talk foreign policy tonight, it's clear he belongs on the big stage. — Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) October 28, 2015
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