IOTW Report – Page 7207

Where Have All the Men Gone?

Thursday, 23 July 2015, 23:00 BFH 24

WSJ- Not so long ago, the average American man in his 20s had achieved most of the milestones of adulthood: a high-school diploma, financial independence, marriage and children. Today, most [Read More]

Honest Don

Thursday, 23 July 2015, 22:21 BFH 18

Click Donald for some video of him in action. Okay, so where was I before I left to buy a skyscraper? Oh yeah, I was telling it like it is. [Read More]

Obamacare and The Jizya Tax

Thursday, 23 July 2015, 21:30 Cardigan 5

AllenBWest– Violate your vows, or pay up. That’s essentially what the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals told the Little Sisters of the Poor and their attorneys last week. We’ve seen [Read More]

Take Out Wrenched Fetus

Thursday, 23 July 2015, 21:01 BFH 26

I wish I could tell you good people that this was a parody I created. NOPE. San Diego Reader- Abortion will be provided free to day-care facilities and libraries nationwide, [Read More]

Is Your Dog’s Food Safe?

Thursday, 23 July 2015, 15:58 BFH 34

A company claims that less than 10% of the dog food available in the marketplace is acceptable. By what standard? ht/ sam s.

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