Pathetic results of the NFL kneeling spree – IOTW Report

Pathetic results of the NFL kneeling spree

American Thinker- What, exactly, did the NFL “take-a-knee” protests by wealthy black football players protesting racial injustice accomplish?

Based on what most people could see, pretty much nothing, other than lost ticket sales.  People go to football games to be entertained, not to be lectured by their supposed betters in another dreary virtue-signaling game.

This is why longtime cultural observer and critic Shelby Steele thinks black protests have lost their power in his must-read op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal.

The recent protests by black players in the National Football League were rather sad for their fruitlessness.  They may point to the end of an era for black America, and for the country generally – an era in which protest has been the primary means of black advancement in American life.

The reason, he concludes, is that it’s hard to protest The Man’s power when you yourself are now the man.  As Steele puts it, freedom has arrived, and with freedom, accountability.  Black protesters must now be judged on the actual merit of their protests, instead of just the identity reality the protesters’ black race, which up until now, has pretty much sent whites scurrying.  They aren’t scurrying anymore in deference to the protests; they just aren’t buying tickets. more

23 Comments on Pathetic results of the NFL kneeling spree

  1. One of the main effects on me of the black / civil rights protest industry over the years is that while I used to earnestly try to be colorblind, I don’t make the effort any longer. If shortly after I meet someone I find that he’s preoccupied with race (or identity politics in general), I’m just not interested or motivated in getting to know him any better. That nail had already been driven home, and the dirty-knee footballers just countersunk it.

  2. I don’t need a Billionaire mongoloid Roid raging ebonic speaking exotic 10 car owning idiot telling me he been injusticized…..take your millions and go away as I hope the next Super Bore is the lowest rated of all time…..

  3. It’s not just lost ticket sales.
    It’s also lower TV ratings.
    Lower advertising revenue, etc.
    It will eventually evolve into
    Less revenue in general
    Smaller contracts and salaries for
    who depends on professional football for a living.
    That’s a lot of people .JayPee

  4. I stopped watching the NFL way back when they started letting the hood rats perform their little dance routines and childish antics in the end zone after a touchdown. I believe the NFL thought the fans would be entertained by such behavior. I grew up watching men like Bob Lilly, Walt Garrison and Ed “Too Tall” Jones play the game and I just could not stomach the switch to the ghetto-centric idiocy on the field. For me, the NFL died when they got rid of Tom Landry.

  5. The situation is we are Not Buying their BS. Leads to Not Buying their Tickets. And other merchandised stuff. Like jerseys and stuff.

    I hope the value falls so much even OJ wouldn’t go to the trouble to steal his memorabilia back.

  6. Well at least we know it’s his white half that isn’t being uppity. That would change if were drunk in the hallway in Mesa Arizona and failed at Simon Says.

    “We Are All 702’s” Learn some reality dumbasses.

  7. Each of these players need to take a knee to the groin, before they are canned. Lost revenues will stop the broadcasts of NFL games. It’s very expensive for the rights to telecast a game. The networks will drop them like a hot rock.

  8. The unpatriotic assholes who watch pro(?) football, more than likely live in or near the shit holes* (Metropolitan areas) of the US, are no better than the kneelers.

    *shitholes: Detroit, Chicago, Washington DC, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dallas, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Seattle, New York, etc., etc.

  9. I’d like to know what the number of fans is when you subtract the Fantasy Football League members. I don’t watch, but my husband does (Red Zone, or something like that) because he participates in three leagues. Same for his friends. This tend to detest the real teams, but watch because they’re supporting their own make-believe teams.

  10. Bob Brinker a radio talk show host and money manager, talked today about NFL player filing for bankruptcy shortly after they retire. He was careful not to say that they are uneducated and have no sense of how to manage their money. Taking a knee just pisses off more and more white people, they will never get their way doing that. No, they’ll be going back to the ghetto always blaming the white man for their troubles.

  11. Chiggerbug January 14, 2018 at 9:32 pm

    What is this “NFL” of which you speak?

    National Felon League
    National Fools League
    NFL No Fun League
    NFL Not For Long
    NFL National Forensic League
    NFL No Free Lunch
    NFL New Found Love
    NFL No Friends Left

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