The Wrath of Khan Misfires – IOTW Report

The Wrath of Khan Misfires

Yes, Khan lost his son, but he doesn’t get to leverage the loss to spout inanity, progressive inanity.

The guy is a dummy. Even NRO, who pig-piled Trump in a “special Ream Team edition,” cannot let Khan get away with deriding Trump with wrong-headed leftist assertions.


Properly vetting would-be immigrants’ religious beliefs is not only legal — it would be wise and prudent.

Of all the ignorant pronouncements in the 2016 presidential campaign, the dumbest may be that the Constitution forbids a “religious test” in the vetting of immigrants. Monotonously repeated in political speeches and talking-head blather, this claim is heedless of the Islamic doctrinal roots on which foreign-born Islamists and the jihadists they breed base their anti-Americanism. It is also dead wrong. The clause said to be the source of this drivel is found in Article VI. As you’ll no doubt be shocked to learn, it has utterly nothing to do with immigration.

The clause states, “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States” (emphasis added). On its face, the provision is not only inapplicable to immigrants at large, let alone aliens who would like to be immigrants; it does not even apply to the general public. It is strictly limited to public officials — specifically to their fitness to serve in government positions.

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15 Comments on The Wrath of Khan Misfires

  1. a damn good example of why these POS should not be allowed entry to this country. While I respect his son and his sacrifice for this county, the father is just another sharia spouting lunatic.

  2. Yaknow I just don’t get assholes like Ryan & McConnell doing the pile on. Hillary has committed felonies and the dems are a united front.

    Today on my local radio station, the host Chad The Asshole Hasty, a supposedit conservative, jumped on the pile. WTF? Then he brings on a supposedit Republican stateliest who preceded to hammer the RNC and Trump. I am sick of these jerks. He actually said the dem convention was better and Hillary gave a damn fine speech. Whatinthefucking world????????????

    If you want President Hillary Clinton, keep it up assholes.

    I would love to see President Trump get in McConnell’s face after Nov. Hopefully Ryan will be toasted in another week.

  3. This asshole is an immigration attorney who is working for unrestricted immigration by muslims who has taken money from surprise, surprise the Clinton Foundation mafia. It is all bullshit.

  4. islam is not a religion it is a murderous cult ideology bent upon submission, subjugation and annihilation of all who do not believe in the teaching of satan’s prophet, mohammed.
    Having khan speak at the DNC convention is in line with the DNC’s efforts to eliminate God, the Flag and US Nationality from their platform, convention and our Nation.

  5. The media are treating Captain Humayan Khan’s parents as they treated Cindy Sheehan. They are going gaga and attacking Donald Trump for his comments. Captain Khan was killed in 2004 when a truck
    loaded with explosives crashed through the gate of the compound and blew up, killing the Captain. It is unclear if there were any other casualties. He was killed fighting Hillary’s war; Trump had nothing to do with it.
    I would like to know more about Captain Khan. If he was a devout Muslim in the US Army, how did his fellow officers, non-coms, and EM feel about him? Yes, I’m thinking about Major Hassan. Damn me if you will for bringing it up.

  6. Have all news organizations forgotten Hill the Pill told a Gold Star mother she was a liar?
    Unlike Trump, who had no hand in the death of the son, Hill had a big hand in getting Ms. Smith’s son killed and lied her pants suit off about it.
    Bunch of clock shuckers.

  7. This will be a long post because I’m fed up with all the media hypocrisy and propaganda.

    First, let’s address, Mr Khan, what the AUTHORS of the Constitution and US Presidents (Jefferson and Adams) you referred to told the Continental Congress when the FIRST 2 WARS the new nation had to fight was with Muslims:

    “…that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

    We went to war with them TWICE because they lied (taqiyya) in negotiating the end to the first one.

    Next, of almost 7,000 US servicemen killed in Iraq/Afghanistan only 14 were US Muslim but ALL – including Khan’s son, were killed by Muslims. No mention of that and they had to dig back to 2004 for Khan’s son. Yes, he’s hero but this wasn’t about heroics. It was about setting up a lie for political points.

    No mention was made by Khan or any news outlet about the Americans killed by US Muslim traitors:

    * In 2003, at the beginning of the Iraq War, Sergeant Hasan Karim Akbar threw four hand grenades into three tents in which other members of the 101st Airborne Division were sleeping, and fired his rifle at fellow soldiers in the ensuing chaos. Army Captain Christopher S. Seifert was fatally shot in the back, Air Force Major Gregory L. Stone was killed by a grenade, and fourteen other soldiers were wounded.
    * In 2009 Major Nidal Hassan murdered 13 of his fellow soldiers and wounded over 30 in Fort Hood.
    * In 2012 Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo was found guilty of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, and attempting to murder US officers.

    No media outlet is admitting:
    1. All MSM BLACKED OUT Pat Smith’s speech but ALL carried Khzir Khan’s.
    2. Khan has a conflict of interest in that the law firm bearing his name specializes in Muslim immigration and it would suffer if all Muslims are vetted.
    3. Hillary didn’t disclose that Khan and the Clintons have a history. Khan used to be with Loretta Lynch’s former law firm that has done a lot or work for – and donated a lot – to the Clintons.
    4. No one is telling us that Khan came to the US in 1980 to attend Harvard and asking how many Americans with similar or better academic records and scores were turned down so he could attend?
    5. According to Shoebat, Khan is both a member of the terror group Muslim Brotherhood and a supporter of Sharia Law.

    I am so fed up with the media manipulation and lies. I have encountered so many liberals who point to Politifact and Snopes to PROVE as truth what are so easily revealed as lies.

    I don’t care if Trump stands on his head and farts the Star Spangled Banner. He’s a better choice than any career politician and, with Trump, we have a CHANCE that he’ll do what he promises.

  8. This will be a long post because I’m fed up with all the media hypocrisy and propaganda.

    First, let’s address, Mr Khan, what the AUTHORS of the Constitution and US Presidents (Jefferson and Adams) you referred to told the Continental Congress when the FIRST 2 WARS the new nation had to fight was with Muslims:

    “…that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

    We went to war with them TWICE because they lied (taqiyya) in negotiating the end to the first one.

    Next, of almost 7,000 US servicemen killed in Iraq/Afghanistan only 14 were US Muslim but ALL – including Khan’s son, were killed by Muslims. No mention of that and they had to dig back to 2004 for Khan’s son. Yes, he’s hero but this wasn’t about heroics. It was about setting up a lie for political points.

    No mention was made by Khan or any news outlet about the Americans killed by US Muslim traitors:

    * In 2003, at the beginning of the Iraq War, Sergeant Hasan Karim Akbar threw four hand grenades into three tents in which other members of the 101st Airborne Division were sleeping, and fired his rifle at fellow soldiers in the ensuing chaos. Army Captain Christopher S. Seifert was fatally shot in the back, Air Force Major Gregory L. Stone was killed by a grenade, and fourteen other soldiers were wounded.
    * In 2009 Major Nidal Hassan murdered 13 of his fellow soldiers and wounded over 30 in Fort Hood.
    * In 2012 Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo was found guilty of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, and attempting to murder US officers.

    No media outlet is admitting:
    1. All MSM BLACKED OUT Pat Smith’s speech but ALL carried Khzir Khan’s.
    2. Khan has a conflict of interest in that the law firm bearing his name specializes in Muslim immigration and it would suffer if all Muslims are vetted.
    3. Hillary didn’t disclose that Khan and the Clintons have a history. Khan used to be with Loretta Lynch’s former law firm that has done a lot or work for – and donated a lot – to the Clintons.
    4. No one is telling us that Khan came to the US in 1980 to attend Harvard and asking how many Americans with similar or better academic records and scores were turned down so he could attend?
    5. According to Shoebat, Khan is both a member of the terror group Muslim Brotherhood and a supporter of Sharia Law.

    I am so fed up with the media manipulation and lies. I have encountered so many liberals who point to Politifact and Snopes to PROVE as truth what are so easily revealed as lies.

    I don’t care if Trump stands on his head and farts the Star Spangled Banner. He’s a better choice than any career politician and, with Trump, we have a CHANCE that he’ll do what he promises.

  9. All the attacks on Trump, the USA, Western Europe, our freedoms, us all from the elite communist fascist totalitarian globalists who own most of the politicians in our government. They want the USA to cease to exist.

  10. ABC lead story was a bogus poll saying Hillary was in the lead, followed by over 5 minutes of the Kahn story and saying VFW is turning against Trump.
    I saw Trump talk to VFW last week and it appeared they were fully behind him – doubt there turned against him in a week.

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