Poetic Justice
A few days ago the media was plastering pictures of Mets shortstop Wilmer Flores crying on the field. While at bat, the fans stood and gave him a standing O, [Read More]
A few days ago the media was plastering pictures of Mets shortstop Wilmer Flores crying on the field. While at bat, the fans stood and gave him a standing O, [Read More]
Is this our next president?
A ditzy, dirty, angry hippie, being detained during a traffic stop starts militantly bleating some ridiculous bullsh!t about not having to abide by U.S. law because she is a citizen of [Read More]
Frankly, I hate when right-wing blogs identify Margaret Sanger as a eugenicist. It’s accurate, but it’s accurate to a fault. It flies over the head of most people. People don’t know [Read More]
Amazingly, it sounds great. This really is Ode To Joy. It’s very infectious and just makes you smile. Highly recommended. Learn to Fly – Foo Fighters Rockin1000 Official Video
The woman claims that Planned Parenthood deliberately gives girls contraception that will fail in order to reel them in for their big ticket item – an abortion. She says they [Read More]
The simple answer? They know what’s coming next. Stem Express has been caught talking about buying completely intact babies that Planned Parenthood removed from mothers. Some may have been born alive. This could [Read More]
Moms, when you’re interviewing nannies, anything resembling this should be an instant disqualification. ^ This is the nanny that Jennifer Garner hired to help her and Ben Affleck with the kids. [Read More]
Rall was fired as a cartoonist for the LA Times after it was revealed that a story Rall told for years, that he was roughed up and treated badly by [Read More]
He’s gearing up for the upcoming presidential debates.
hat tip/ Blinddog
Where Did All the NYC Subway Revenue Go?? It was stolen by bureaucratic thieves, and it went to union contracts, of course. When you see the technology in the bowels [Read More]
‘My sisters and I, we will call Caitlyn “Bruce” and we’ve been told that’s completely fine” Read more: Also: Kim Kardashian says Bruce doesn’t sound like a woman. You know [Read More]
It’s hard to believe that a video with Matthews and Debbie could be rewarding. But this was.
Wyblog- Remember right before 2012 election when the government swore the economy was recovering nicely? They lied. And now that it doesn’t matter, they can deign to tell us the [Read More]
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