Biden Erased By Dem Running For Office – IOTW Report

Biden Erased By Dem Running For Office


Democrats appear to have the inside track in the upcoming special election for the Cheshire County District 14 House seat, but they’re not taking any chances. That means plenty of door knocking, lots of fundraising and — erasing Joe Biden?

campaign push by the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee on behalf of its nominee, Harrisville’s Andrew Maneval, describes him as “a community leader, small business owner, and former chair of the Harrisville Broadband Committee.” It features a photo of him looking ruggedly handsome in a sweatshirt and jacket.

But the original of that photo, taken in October of last year and obtained by NHJournal, shows someone photo-shopped a Biden-Harris logo off the shirt and out of the image.

What happened? More

Now that he’s a blank slate someone should Photoshop a more accurate image on his sweatshirt for him. – Dr. Tar

8 Comments on Biden Erased By Dem Running For Office

  1. “The reason for Biden’s bad poll numbers is no secret. He’s committed a series of high-profile blunders”
    Biden’s bad poll numbers are because he is a FAKE PRESIDENT flushing AMERICA down the $hitter.


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