“$GME GO BRRR” Digital Ad Run On NYC’s Broadway – IOTW Report

“$GME GO BRRR” Digital Ad Run On NYC’s Broadway

Fox Business

Defiant amateur investors on Reddit say they are not backing down on their investments in GameStop — and even took out billboards in Times Square and across the country urging the faithful to continue holding the line.

“$GME GO BRRR,” blared a digital ad on the corner of 54th and Broadway in Manhattan. The ad ran for an hour on Friday and was a creation of digital billboard maker Matei Psatta. More

18 Comments on “$GME GO BRRR” Digital Ad Run On NYC’s Broadway

  1. This reminds me of all of those mortgage brokers during the recession circa 2008 telling the world that they had millions upon millions backing them up. Some people actually believed this. Remember; if you can’t figure out who the sucker is in the deal it’s you.

  2. I was a video by Michael Knowles. He pointed out that this who thing was orchestrated by people who obviously knew what they were doing. The main movers seem to be people whose families were utterly destroyed in the manipulations of 2008 and wanted the fat cats to feel pain the same way.

    More power to them.

  3. In all honesty, I applaud the fact that Wall Street got beat at their own game. Maybe people will wake the hell up and realize the market is gambling, the game is obviously rigged and you Mr. Investment Gambler, obviously don’t know when to hold em’ or when to fold em’.
    Here’s some free “investment advice” from the Claw….
    Hint: They don’t make more land… and until the government outlaws private property that’s the best investment there is. There’s a reason it is called “REAL” Estate.

  4. The big company’s like American Express make a killing on laundering Cartel drug money too. Most people aren’t even aware of just how ruthless and corrupt these gangsters are.
    Even buying property is limited on returns unless you drop down cash on it. Same with you house. It’s always a good deal for them but seldom for you.

  5. @Geoff
    We’ve been in the equivalent since around 2000. It’s not obvious this time because of the gubmint taking on all this debt to give the appearance everything is OK. When the economy really DOES crash it will make 1929 seem like nothing.

  6. “For a good explanation of what happened, what is happening, and what might happen, check out this video: https://youtu.be/jQDHWu32W7o – He breaks it down pretty good. Someone on this websuck dropped a link to him a few days ago (i don’t remember who), but it turns out I like this dude.”

    Louis Rossman is AWESOME. He’s a small business owner and hates Apple and NY politicians equally. Matt Christensen also has a good breakdown of the situation here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyZkFlhs5ok).

  7. ecp: Good video. “We don’t have a liquidity problem to keep us from selling those shares but the reason we don’t have a liquidity problem is because we stopped selling those shares.”

  8. A lot people will loose a little bit eventually if they keep supporting the stock. They are willing to loose that money to prove a point, so good on them.

    What would be really awesome is if they were able to actually SHORT the HEDGE FUND STOCKS that they are attacking. Then they could actually make money on that side. However, if those hedge Funds are Private (most are private) then you can not do it.

    Fuck the Hedgers! They are New Yorkers who voted for Grandpa Shits Himself.

  9. @Alexb. Seeing as how you’re made that way, I wont take it personal when you tell me to “Fuck off” for explaining. So here goes:

    $GME is stock symbol for Gamestop. Brrr is the sound that a bill counter makes as it counts thousand of bills per minute


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