IOTW Report – Page 7056

When You Knock On My Door

Friday, 30 October 2015, 17:45 Dr. Tar 9

Pulling a little Halloween prank on door-to-door salespeople. Watch I wished I’d of had one of these when that pesky Census worker kept showing up asking all kinds of intrusive questions.

Thieves in the Night

Friday, 30 October 2015, 17:00 Dr. Tar 9

The Senate burned the midnight oil to pass the budget-busting deal.  It now goes to Obama’s desk, who has vowed to sign it into law. Thirty-five Republican Senators opposed the [Read More]

Lost in a Fog of Good Intentions

Friday, 30 October 2015, 14:00 BFH 3

Gavin McInnes attempts to define the left through the story of a SJW who raped a handicapped black man. This is great stuff. ht/ just the tip

Was That So Hard?

Friday, 30 October 2015, 12:00 Dr. Tar 18

Steven Hildreth, Jr. gets pulled over by the police in Tucson, AZ. He’s wearing a hoodie and has a Glock in a holster. See what happens next Here      

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