IOTW Report – Page 7147


Sunday, 2 March 2014, 0:00 BFH 0

WNB D.C. Health Plans To Include Sex Changes

Okay, Now You Suck It

Saturday, 1 March 2014, 23:30 BFH 0

Facebook post costs family 80 grand Miami Herald Hey kids, file this one under things not to do on Facebook. The Third District Court of Appeal tossed out an $80,000 [Read More]

Revenge Porn

Saturday, 1 March 2014, 23:00 BFH 0

Thoughts? Woman is awarded half a million bucks in civil suit. Lawmakers are seeking a way to criminalize it.

Fool’s Gold

Saturday, 1 March 2014, 18:00 BFH 0

With the failure of Mt. Gox and the evaporation of 850,000 bitcoins (estimated loss of $425 million) its time to SELL, SELL, SELL the worthless fictions before you lose your [Read More]

Job (B)Lock

Saturday, 1 March 2014, 14:00 BFH 0

Watch the video at the link and then multiply it by about 5 million and you’ll get a sense of why the participation rate is so low and the “unforeseen [Read More]

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