Witch Doctor Assures Kenyan Town Obama Will Be Visiting
The witch doctor threw some shells and animal bones on the ground and declared that Obama will arrive in the hometown of his step-grandmother for a visit. They are beautifying [Read More]
The witch doctor threw some shells and animal bones on the ground and declared that Obama will arrive in the hometown of his step-grandmother for a visit. They are beautifying [Read More]
Several days ago as I left the sale barn in Navasota to walk out to my pickup and was reaching into my jeans pocket from my truck keys…..got that sick [Read More]
Sandra Bland was stopped by a trooper for failure to signal a lane change. The dashcam video shows that the officer sped up behind the back of her car in the left lane, a [Read More]
Buzzpo: When you see the full list, you might reconsider where you’re sending your money: Adobe American Cancer Society American Express AT&T Avon Bank of America Bath & Body Works [Read More]
The chaotic migrant problem in Europe has led to cities like Rome seeing historic sites taken over by gangs, making it both dangerous and unrecognisable. But now Brussels wants to [Read More]
AmericanSpectator- Scott Walker’s campaign must be in a jubilant mood with Jeb Bush making a point of singling him for criticism on Iran’s nuclear deal. To be precise, Bush criticized [Read More]
This is the kind of cooperation and statesmanship we need more of in Washington. Senators Ted Cruz (TX-R) and Rand Paul (TN-R) are in agreement on defunding Planned Parenthood.
The Daily Caller has claimed to have uncovered evidence that SHAUN KING a leading voice in the #BlackLivesMatter movement has fabricated a 1995 hate crime, one that has been the [Read More]
ESPN Host is Being CRUCIFIED by Black Twitter For Not Towing The line on ‘All Lives Matter’ Where is all the noise about #BlackLivesMatter when black folks are killing black [Read More]
About Last Minute Cave To Demand Of Lifting Iran Arms Embargo. The talking points the State Department has been they’ve been using for the past few days is the arms [Read More]
This is not a big deal. The megalomaniac Democrat who helped destroy Illinois still has to obey the “lights out” command every night. Story @ MarathonPundit.
Vanity Fair- “I’ve got to figure it out before August 1, because my last paycheck was like $1,800 in June,” she says. “[I lost] friends and the jobs and the [Read More]
Wash Times- President Obama defended the IRS Tuesday in an interview with “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart, saying the tea party-targeting scandal was actually Congress‘ fault for passing “a crummy [Read More]
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