women – IOTW Report

The Ladies vs. the Mullahs

Monday, 15 January 2018, 20:00 MJA 7

American Thinker- No one knows her name, but a young Iranian woman waving a white scarf has become a symbol of almost forty years of struggle by Iranian women, protesting the gender [Read More]

Why Women Hate Hillary Clinton

Tuesday, 8 November 2016, 7:15 MJA 8

Women explain why they hate Hillary Clinton and aren’t going to vote for her for President. Please know that hating Hillary will not stop her. Voting for Donald Trump WILL. [Read More]

Liberal women angry with Hillary

Sunday, 16 October 2016, 9:00 MJA 8

DML: Over the past week it has become extremely obvious that the liberal media is willing to exploit women for the sake of derailing the presidential aspirations of Donald Trump. [Read More]

Women’s Violence Against Women

Monday, 27 June 2016, 17:00 MJA 1

RSM:   We must stop violence against women: A Georgia mom allegedly shot and killed her estranged daughter-in-law after her son accused his wife of having an affair with a high [Read More]

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