Flashback to 1995 NYC Veteran’s Day Parade, Marking the 50th Anniversary of the End of WWII, in Peril – IOTW Report

Flashback to 1995 NYC Veteran’s Day Parade, Marking the 50th Anniversary of the End of WWII, in Peril

The NYC Veteran’s Day Parade organizers in 1995 asked 200 corporations to help sponsor the event and exactly 0 came through.

The event was in danger of not happening.

Who stepped up?

The “lifelong New York liberal democrat bastard” Donald J. Trump.


“Donald Trump saved the parade,” said parade director Tom Fox, himself a Vietnam veteran. “We had asked for donations from 200 corporations, and none of them came through,” he said.

“This donation is the single most important thing I’ve ever done,” said a beaming Trump. “This is more important than all of my buildings and my casinos. This is my way of saying thank you to all the men an women in the armed services who have made it possible for me to become a success. Without them freedom and liberty would be gone.”

From the New York Times in 1995, another report that mentions how Trump came to the aid of the parade when the organizers had less than two dollars for the parade.

Nonetheless, from the beginning, this year’s organizers have skated on thin financial ice, government approvals have been slow and lining up things like Sherman tanks and marching bands has been difficult. “There has been a constant awareness everything could fall apart at any time,” Mr. Fox said.

Organizers received no contributions from the 200 corporations they asked, among them military contractors to whom they presented documentation of profits made on weapons used in World War II.

“Zippo, dada, zilch,” Mr. Fox said. “Nothing from Northrup, United Technologies, none of them. To me, it’s a sin.”

By mid-August, organizers had a bank account of exactly $1.21. A request to airlines to donate blankets for aging veterans was turned down because logos might not be visible on television. Then Donald Trump, a nonveteran, agreed to throw in $200,000 as well as raise money from his friends, in exchange for being named grand marshal.

And that was the major controversy surrounding the parade.

They say it was the biggest one in the history of NYC, but many veterans were pissed because the Grand Marshal, Trump, was not a veteran.


This was not Trump’s first time supporting the New York Veterans Day Parade. In 1987 Trump gave $1 million to help the parade when it was in transition, according to a history of the parade reported by Business Insider in 2013.


14 Comments on Flashback to 1995 NYC Veteran’s Day Parade, Marking the 50th Anniversary of the End of WWII, in Peril

  1. Song by me:
    Oh Donald Trump.
    Oh Donald Trump.
    We love you.
    OK I’m Deplorable, an’ stupid, but I don’t give a phuck.
    I’m working on the lyrics, maybe Mr. Pinko can help out?

  2. One of the most endearing characteristic of our president is he wears his heart on his sleeve for our active duty and veteran military. It really takes a deep, deep reverence for them and our country to do the things he does and has done for them.

    Like this picture: He even instinctively knew to touch the man’s face, knowing he could not sense that touch in his prosthetic limbs.


  3. I got’s the Trumpity-Bump, the Trumpity-Bump,
    Paycheck’s big now, Trumpity-Bump, the Trumpity-Bump,
    Shit’s all different now, Trumpity-Bump, the Trumpity-Bump,
    Stupid ass Liberals freaking out,
    America’s cured of it’s Obama Gout
    Globalists have to learn to live without…the
    Trumpity-Bump, the Trumpity-Bump,

  4. Let’s snot forget Wollman’s Rink which the Upper Left Siders LOVE that DJT before POTUS saved.

    A project mired in NYC corruption for years, at the time, and he got it done (private took over)in A YEAR.

    Like the Empire State Building that he mentioned in a speech.


  5. After a very long while, from 2008 until 2016 I thought God was beginning to give up on our beautiful Country. I saw many sad faces over that period in rural America. He has not forgotten us! We are now blessed with an unusual president that we have not experienced for most of our lives. Thank You, God for this man. And, God bless America!


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