Hillary Lying About Giving Away Weinstein Donations
Downtrend- On Wednesday, she went on CNN to say that she would give away any money Weinstein donated to her various losing presidential campaigns, but as you will soon see, [Read More]
Another Round of Ben Affleck Groping and Embarrassing TV Host
He’s got the groping part of his democrat politician resume’ covered. Video | 32 Year-Old Ben Affleck, who was engaged to JLo at the time, asks reporter to ‘get them [Read More]
Here We Go- Black Hockey Player Puts Fist in Air During National Anthem
Downtrend- Fans disgusted with the descent of the National Football League into the morass of left-wing, racial grievance politics were grateful that the puck finally dropped on the 2017 professional [Read More]
The NY Times Hires a “Gender Editor”
Newsbusters- Jessica Bennett, a former editor for Newsweek and author of Feminist Fight Club: A Survival Manual for a Sexist Workplace — an “illustrated battle manual for fighting sexism at work” — was motivated [Read More]
Robber searches “how to rob a bank”
KFI: A Florida man did some light research before successfully robbing a bank…William Joe Johnson, 26, googled “how to rob a bank” just before sticking up the Achieva Credit Union [Read More]
Home Depot
“I’m going to redo my bathroom this afternoon”
BOOK: GOP Senators ‘Laughed Out Loud’ at Notion Border Wall Would Get Built
Breitbart: During a private meeting of the most senior Republican senators, GOP leaders “laughed out loud at the idea that Trump’s border wall would ever be built.” The explosive revelation [Read More]
“Qoobo” May Just Be The Prefect Pet
The perfect comforter, without all the fuse of owning a real animal. Qoobo, From the Japanese design firm, Yukai Engineering, Inc. Qoobo is a body with an active tail that [Read More]
Harvey pulls a Polanski
Patriot Retort: Serial sexual predator Harvey Weinstein has taken off for Europe ostensibly to seek treatment for his sexual deviance. Yeah, right. And the only reason he showered in [Read More]
Angel Mom to Ivanka: ‘Which Child Would You Choose to Lose at the Hands of an Illegal to Support Your Agenda?’
Breitbart: — Mendoza said Wednesday, “I didn’t vote for Ivanka. I voted for President Trump. And I’m sure if Ivanka had been affected by illegal criminal activity in her family, [Read More]
Ahhhhhh- NFL Problem Solved; Get Rid of All the White People
P Diddy solves NFL problem… get rid of whites! He’s ready to own all-black football league And who will support this league in terms of audience and revenue?
Republicans Introduce Ban of “Rate Increasing Devices” on Guns
Vaguely worded bill can be used to render guns as efficient to use as muskets. GUN LAW LINK: https://curbelo.house.gov/uploadedfil… CONTACT YOUR REPS: https://act.nraila.org/takeaction.asp… Florida Republican Carlos Curbelo along with 9 other turncoat [Read More]
Man Sets Himself on Fire Following Dallas Cowboys Loss
KFI: A 27-year old man from Vero Beach, Florida, had such a large fire burning in him after witnessing his team lose, that he decided to light himself on fire [Read More]