IOTW Report – Page 5419

Canadian Reparations To Indigenous People

Saturday, 7 October 2017, 6:00 BFH 13

This is going to get ugly. Payout- Curriculum- School records? What school records?- A new citizenship oath pledges “observe treaties” with Indigenous peoples.- -TheBigOwe

Frankly, Sinatra, I Don’t Give A Damn

Saturday, 7 October 2017, 4:15 MJA 28

Stilton’s Place: Following the horrific massacre in Las Vegas, decrepit former entertainer Nancy “These Boobs Were Made For Sagging” Sinatra has come up with a brilliantly simple way to permanently [Read More]

Rio: 16 Gold Bars and Olympic-sized corruption

Saturday, 7 October 2017, 3:30 MJA 6

DaTechGuy:  Remember last year’s Rio Olympics? They started with a lame Marxist opening ceremony (complete with video that included the flooding of South Florida and other areas), had mishaps involving underwater sofas tripping [Read More]

Shoveling Crap Uphill

Saturday, 7 October 2017, 2:45 MJA 12

American Mirror: Pelosi deputy accuses female MSNBC anchor of sexism after question about election liability. House Democratic leaders are circling the wagons around Nancy Pelosi. During a Thursday appearance on [Read More]

The Talking Dead

Saturday, 7 October 2017, 1:29 BFH 13

breitbart- In a speech from the Senate Floor on Thursday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) suggested that if the dead could talk they would urge President Trump to break with the [Read More]

Another Oddity in Paddock Case

Saturday, 7 October 2017, 0:30 BFH 26

There’s always something… Las Vegas shooting cops find charger that DOESN’T match Stephen Paddock’s phone in hotel room. COPS probing the Las Vegas concert massacre have found a mystery charger [Read More]

“Mush Mouth”

Friday, 6 October 2017, 23:45 MJA 19

DMF: From leftist politicians to elitist entertainment personalities are enthusiastically spouting their demagoguery in the media this week following the shooting in Las Vegas. From weepy latenight comedians to flap [Read More]

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