Softball coach tried to turn players into porn stars
NYP: The coach of the women’s softball team at a Christian college in Rockland County tried to turn his players into porn stars by offering to help them get jobs [Read More]
NYP: The coach of the women’s softball team at a Christian college in Rockland County tried to turn his players into porn stars by offering to help them get jobs [Read More]
“Science” reports that studies on mice may lead to a male contraceptive pill that makes a man temporarily infertile. This treatment affects a particular protein that keeps sperm flexible (i.e. [Read More]
The Southern Poverty Law Center is largely a shakedown organization, no better than the Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson shakedown organizations, who intimidates others with frivolous lawsuits designed to incur out-of-court [Read More]
Sharyl Attkisson ready to rock the political talk show kingdom. WashingtonTimes: This could jolt the chatty Sunday talk show realm: The investigators have arrived. “Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson” debuts [Read More]
ABW: While Democrats predictably shed crocodile tears and called for increased gun control, GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson responded in a unique and unexpected way.
Gee… We did Nazi that coming. MadWorldNews: Throughout the Quran, Allah repeats countless times that he does not love the unbelievers, but hates them unless the convert to Islam. This hatred [Read More]
TheLastRefuge: Summary: The immediate on-line web history of Chris Harper-Mercer showed him to be a mixed-race, angry young man in general alignment with various radical racially aligned groups such as [Read More]
FrontPage: A few years ago the Oregonian’s Helen Jung was whining about how the FBI was being mean to the nice Imam and his mosque. The unexplained actions are aggravating [Read More]
There’s an EXPLOSIVE new candidate for Education Secretary. Really. This guy’s the BOMB
‘Good morning, ma’am,” a member of the uniformed Secret Service once greeted Hillary Clinton. “F— off,” she replied.
GJWHG- The Strong Cities Network (SCN) – which launches September 29th at the United Nations – will empower municipal bodies to fill this gap while working with civil society and [Read More]
In the box with the sword she received 800 rounds of 9mm bullets. And she COMPLAINED!!!
Breitbart — A North Carolina woman says she is happier than ever after fulfilling her lifelong wish of becoming blind. Jewel Shuping, 30, has Body Integrity Identity Disorder, which is a condition [Read More]
Wash Exam- Rep. David Jolly, R-Fla., wants Congress to work a full, 40-hour work week like many other people do, instead of letting Congress work three or four days a [Read More]
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