The New Face of the Democratic Party Admits She’s an Idiot – IOTW Report

The New Face of the Democratic Party Admits She’s an Idiot

33 Comments on The New Face of the Democratic Party Admits She’s an Idiot

  1. Jarhead Cracka:

    bet the voters voted her in because she’s of the right tribe, not for her “brains”.


    She is a dummy. Libs will love her.

    So the voters DID vote for her for her brains!

  2. “I am not the expert on geopolitics on this issue” is the only insightful thing she espoused in the entire stammering stutterfest.

    Note when she was asked what she meant by occupied Palestine. She froze mid sentence, like, you’re not supposed to ask me anything beyond talking points!

  3. “Feelings. Nothing more than feelings.”

    Who needs to know a fact or a truth when feelings are so much more important?

    One of these days all these people are going to be shocked out of their shoes when they realize their feelings are just…well…their feelings. And that’s all.

  4. Hopefully now she will amend her name to Alexandria Casio-Cortez-Shit-For-Brains. Just would be the right thing to do. Like Hillary Rodham-Clinton-Feces-Falls-From-Mouth.
    Strange thing, spell-check accepted the Hillary name add-ons ,,, Go thunk.
    If only that toilet would stop running.

  5. Socialism anly requires indoctrination for useful idiots – no independent thought allowed. The Socialist system determines “acceptable and correct” ideas. Mzz. Ocasio-Cortez is parroting her well rehearsed party lines.

  6. BFH, a suggestion:

    These recent posts are what IOTW should major on..showing how frighteningly STUPID leftists always are, and indeed have to be to be leftists. We know very well how morally empty and violent they are but they can always find ways to argue and spin that, plus they just don’t care. But they have no defense against cumulative evidence of their own subnormal intelligence.

    Fact-based ridicule hurts them like nothing else and so is the most effective weapon we have.

    Just a thought.

  7. So I’ve read all the comments and it looks like we’re all in agreement.

    There’s no way to get sexually aroused by this video. Not even with the sound off.

    I tried playing the Benny Hill theme song over it. Close……. but no cigar.

  8. Well my guess is you will not see Alexandria taking any type of intelligence test. I seriously doubt if she could pass an EEG. There are simply no detectable brain patterns visible.

  9. This poor idiot’s learning curve is half the size of the equator. On a another note she has the required annoying voice and psycho eyes all liberals love.

  10. “I am not the expert….on this issue….” Then maybe you shouldn’t reinforce that fact by flapping your gums about it. And maybe re-think your shoes.

  11. And the same media-left hive that called Sarah Palin stupid will continue to promote and rhapsodize about this clueless dimwit.
    We definitely exist in the bearded Spock universe.Your agonizer,please.

  12. A decent GOP opponent would tear her apart in any debate but that’s assuming the GOP runs a candidate at all and that she accepted and debate invitation.
    Also note that if a GOP candidate stumbled that badly the interviewer would have been on them like a shark on a seal but I don’t believe there was any followup to her admitting she’s a dope.


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