A study says it works. Also cleaning the roof gutters. It’s just like going on a cruise. ht/ JC Lady
A study says it works. Also cleaning the roof gutters. It’s just like going on a cruise. ht/ JC Lady
YoungCons has the story
Two devout Sikhs, faced with a life and death situation, chose to save people drowning and removed their turbans to use as a lifeline. I wonder if they would be willing [Read More]
Some people need a little reeducation, and a jaw realignment. CNS -Some homeowners in Murray, Utah are being fined for flying the American Flag. KSTU reports, the HOA of Chestnut [Read More]
Everyone knows what the damn Black Lives Matter logo looks like. So, I had to do it.
Haywire: Armed robberies are so out-of-control in New Orleans that now the problem has trickled its way into the school system. Two teachers were robbed at gunpoint shortly after arriving [Read More]
Newser At the end of the year, Arne FISTING Duncan is stepping down as Education Secretary after seven years. According to a letter to staff that was obtained by the [Read More]
Why aren’t there more articles saying this? If Palin inspired the Gifford’s shooting with her map, certainly the left’s continual attacks on Christianity have inspired this shooter to shoot Christians.
WASHINGTON (CNN) – Vice President Joe Biden drew a distinction with his potential Democratic presidential rival Bernie Sanders on Thursday, portraying himself as more of a “realist” than Sanders, who [Read More]
The ties are based on a friend, one of only two, on MySpace who is a radical Muslim. And the following information at EUTimes must be evaluated with a grain [Read More]
It’s been widely reported since yesterday that the maniac Mercer asked students to stand up and state their religion. If they said Christian he shot them in the head. If [Read More]
Hillary Clinton tells top aide Sidney Blumenthal it’s a ‘good idea’ for diplomats to STOP telling the truth in newly revealed email exchange ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.