OBAMA AND THE UN 2030 AGENDA: Ominous Plan for One World Government
Read HERE ht/ bitterclinger
Progressives Not Content With Putting Fingers In Ear And Shouting LALALALALALALALALA
Jerks pull fire alarm at university because there was “speech happening” that they didn’t want anyone to hear. College Fix- Cathy Young, a prominent writer critical of exaggerated campus rape
Way to go, Kev
Kevin McCarthy: Too Dumb and Incoherent to be Speaker ConservativeHQ: Just as the House Republican leadership races slipped off the front pages and lead segments of the news and back [Read More]
Sweden: ‘No Apartments, No Jobs, No Shopping Without a Gun’
Gatestone: The week after the double murder at IKEA in Västerås, where a man from Eritrea who had been denied asylum grabbed some knives and stabbed Carola and Emil Herlin [Read More]
Reader Chieftain – Master Craftsman
Awhile back I was writing back and forth with Chieftain and I learned that he recently began getting into woodworking. On a lark he submitted a piece for the county [Read More]
Climate Alarmist Being Investigated
Breitbart- Lamar Smith, Chairman of the House Committee on Space, Science and Technology, has written to Professor Jagadish Shukla of George Mason University, in Virginia, requesting that he release all [Read More]
DOJ Sues Illinois Town for Nixing Rezoning Plan to Build Islamic Temple
JudicialWatch: In its latest effort to protect Muslim rights in the United States the Obama Justice Department is suing an Illinois town for denying a rezoning application to convert an [Read More]
Merkel and Zuckerberg Caught on Live Mic Conspiring to Censor Resistance to Muslim Invasion
Moonbattery Not all Germans want their nation to be extinguished beneath massive waves of largely unassimilable Muslim immigrants. The problem for Angela Merkel is convincing each of them that they [Read More]
Handling some nuts on the road side
Taiwan’s Betel Nut Beauties – Scantily-Clad Girls Peddling Nuts on the Side of the Road.
Australia’s Gun Grab Works, Till it Doesn’t
Leftist are always quick to run to Australia’s gun confiscation effort from 10 years ago to argue for doing the same here. Which is all fine and good until [Read More]