Harvard Islamic Law Librarian Nabbed In Pedophile Sting
BlurBrain: A Harvard Law School librarian was arrested on several felony charges on Friday after police say he tried to arrange a sexual meet-up with a deputy posing as an [Read More]
BlurBrain: A Harvard Law School librarian was arrested on several felony charges on Friday after police say he tried to arrange a sexual meet-up with a deputy posing as an [Read More]
WaExaminer: In a new TV spot released Friday, former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore makes the case that he is the right candidate to lead the U.S. in defeating the Islamic [Read More]
BigGovernment: A progressive climate alarmist website has an invaluable voting guide for the presidential election: just pick the candidates it rates least highly – and you’re surely backing a winner.
Britain’s Parliament approved airstrikes against ISIS on Friday with a 524-43 vote. Going after The Islamic State is fine, but the Brits had better watch their own back while they fulfill [Read More]
Who the frig does she think she is??? At what point do the people get to carry out their vision? What country should Merkel be exiled to?
He’s better than the last two jokers the Republican Party ran for President. But here are a few short specifics on presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (TX-R). More See His [Read More]
BigGovernment: As of November 23, there had been 2703 shootings which resulted in 440 deaths year-to date in heavily gun-controlled Chicago. That is an increase of approximately 400 shootings over [Read More]
I am so tired of these dumb government PSA’s wasting tax payer money.
The love affair between entertainment celebrities and Democrat politicians just got more absurd with Obama handing out the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Barbara Streisand this week. Never lost for [Read More]
Some pastors expressed their concern with Rubio’s ties to Paul Singer, a billionaire who has funded the fight for gay marriage. Singer is now a major donor to Rubio’s presidential [Read More]
Workers scarce at Walmart protests. WaExaminer: Walmart workers were scarce at the much-hyped Black Friday protests against the retailer’s wages and employment policies. Even protesters who didn’t work at the [Read More]
BigGovernment: By any measure, we are losing the war against ISIS and radical Islam. A bigger problem is we do not yet realize we are losing or why. Their legions [Read More]
WaExaminer: President Obama and his family were planning a Thanksgiving feast on Thursday at the White House that included three main courses and lots of extras on the side. And [Read More]
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